Sep 23, 2008

Neighborhood Natsu Matsuri

Our neighborhood, Hatsudai, had Natsu Matsuri. It was a small Matsuri, but there certainly were a lot of people there. Bunch of Ellie and Julia's neighbor friends were at Matsuri and danced.

We met with Shu-kun, one of Ellie and Julia's favorite friends at Matsuri. They were all dressed up in Yukatas and danced with the Matsuri people.

初日のお祭りは、エリとジュリアだけだったのですが、2日目はお友達のしゅうくんと合流し、浴衣姿でお祭りを楽しみました。(ジュリアは甚平でしたが。)もちろん阿波踊りも、ちびっ子阿波踊りに飛び入り参加で踊っておりました。特にエリは超ノリノリです…。Julia, on the other hand, enjoyed Matsuri food more than dance. She ate whole corn but needed more, so she decided to ask her frineds for food...



Sep 19, 2008

Silly Sticker Face

Whenever Ellie or Julia gets immunization shot at Dr's office, they get a sticker. Today was Julia's DPT immunization shot. She wasn't happy about the shot and cried. But Ellie was happy since she could steal Julia's sticker off of her hand while she was crying... Anyway, Ellie decided to put all Hello Kitty sticker on her face, and some to Julia's face. Ellie was happy, but I'm not sure if Julia was...
