Mommy and Ellie made valentine cookies together, while Daddy took Julia aka "the destroyer" out for errands, so we could make cookies peacefully. Our friend, Kacchan, joined us and we had fun making cookies.
Our friend, the Rich family, gave Ellie a baking set for her birthday awhile ago. Ellie didn't get to use it until now. She has her own cookie cutter, apron, measuring spoons, etc. She was really excited that she get to use almost all her stuff.
Rich家族からエリのお誕生日にいただいた、BED BATH & BEYONDの子供用クッキングセットを始めて使いました。エプロン、泡だて器、計量スプーン、クッキーカッター、ローリングピン、等々、全部小さめの子供サイズ。エリは自分だけのクッキングセットが使えることに大興奮です。
Mommy made cookie dough, and Ellie rolled out the dough and made bunch of heart-shaped cookies. During baking, Ellie sat in front of the oven and reported how cookies were every minute. Then, she decorated cookies with frosting and sprinkles.

These are the cookies that Ellie made. These cute sprinkles are gift from Papenfuss family. I thought heart sprinkles would be perfect, but Ellie wanted to do flower, butterfly, turtles, dolphins, and everything...

Of course she had to be the first one to taste. It seems she was satisfied with her work.