Our plan for golden week this year is to go on the road trip, but we did not hit a huge traffic, so we decided to delay a little bit and depart on May 4. Since it was such a gorgeous Showa Day and Ellie wanted to go strawberry picking so badly, we decided to go to Mother Bokujo Farm Park.
Girls were just so happy about this outing! They started running around as soon as we got there.
First we needed to get our objective achieved. So, we went straight to the strawberry picking place. Julia and Ellie both got their own basket and were so happy.
The only sad thing about this place was that it used to be all-you-can-pick, but they changed their policy and they started selling by weight. We were quite sad when we found that out. Anyway, Julia was first picking the green strawberries. Or I should say she didn't care the color, she just picked whatever looked like strawberries. Then, Daddy fixed it and she changed her strategy and started picking red only. This still left one problem that she did not stop picking even her basket is more than full. Plus the cost comes in by weight, so Daddy was trying so hard to stop her...
Then we ate the freshly picked strawberries right by the strawberry field. They were all yummy!! Julia was putting many in her mouth. I'm so glad I brought Grandma's bib.
After strawberry picking, we played around the park. We tried stilts. They were a little hard, so girls tried can stilts. Ellie did quite a good job doing it. Julia could walk with a little too. They were fun.
I haven't tried it since I was in elementary school. I was a little nervous, but I remembered how. I was able to be on them for a long time.
Noah also enjoyed being out in the mountain. He enjoyed watching his sisters play.
Julia fed sheep. She was first scared but she tried, and she never wanted to do it again...
Ellie rode a horse. She loved it so much!
Ellie held a bunny. She wanted to hold fuzzy bunny, so she was really happy.
I thought Julia would like bunny too since she cannot go to sleep without her stuffed bunny. But it seems that she liked guinea pigs more. She didn't even care about bunnies.
Girls played so hard. They fell right to sleep as soon as they got back to the car. It was so much fun. We have to do it again!