Jul 25, 2009

Palette Summer Fest

Ellie and Julia's school had a little summer festival.


the morning of the festival, they had photo shoot from the model agent, so their nap time got delayed. Summer fest started at 5pm, which fell right in the middle of their nap time. When they got woken up, they were not happy at all.


As soon as we went inside, girls were happy again. And they were way more happy dancing around all over the place.

しかし、神輿が終了し、祭りの会場についたとたんに、あっさりご機嫌になり、ノリノリだった二人です。出店のゲームも一通り楽しんで、屋台で焼きそばも購入し、歌い踊り、祭り気分を満喫していたガールズなのでした。Noah was happy too.

祭り気分が伝わったのか、ノアもビッグスマイルです。Girls were happy and we all enjoyed Palette's summer fest.


Jul 18, 2009

On the way to see Disney on Ice

Disney all the way. We got tickets to Disney-on-Ice and we went on the first day in Tokyo.


Since it was at Harajuku and so close to our house, we took a bus. Girls were excited about the bus ride.

場所は代々木体育館と、家から非常に近かったこともあり、今回バスを使いました。エリ、ジュリアにとって、バスライドはとっても新鮮だった様子。This is the picture of girls being silly on the street.

こちらは、道路での仲良しガールズです。We were wondering how they would do during the show, but they did really good. They were excited to watch Mickey and Minny skating and dancing on ice.


Jul 9, 2009

Tokyo Disney Resort Trip

the last trip to Disney resort, girls had so much fun and wanted to do it again. We tried to pick the least crowded dates and decided to go right before Japanese school gets out for summer break.


今回とても楽しみにしていたのは、やっぱりエリ、かと思いきや、ジュリアもエリの影響で、かなり楽しみにしておりました。ずーっと首をながーくしてこの日を待ち、そして、2-3日前には、♫も~いくつね~る~と~♫ 状態。まぁ、連れて行く甲斐ありですかね。

We first visited DisneySea. First we watched the show at the waterfront, then we started moving. On the way, we ran into Chip and Dale. Ellie was so happy to see them.


その後、アメリカンウォーターフロントを散策していると、チップとデールに遭遇。エリはばっちり握手&ハグです。Daddy and girls got on the ride, Aquatopia. Girls were having so much fun!

そして、アクアトピアに。Then, we decided to have lunch with Mickey. So, we went in Horizon Bay Restaurant, where Mickey, Minny, and Pluto come around to each table while we eat. Ellie was so excited about the fact that she got to dine with Mickey.

ミッキー、ミニー、プルートと一緒に食事ができる、ホライゾンベイレストランを訪れました。ここは、食事中に各テーブルにミッキー、ミニー、プルートが訪れ、一緒に写真まで撮れてしまう、キャラクターダイニングを実施しているレストラン。エリは、ミッキーと一緒にご飯が食べれるという事実だけで大興奮!What was different from last year was that Julia did not cry when Mickey came close to her! I remember clearly last year that she was screaming to death when we got a picture taken with Mickey. But this year, she first cried with Chip & Dale, then, she was completely fine dining with Mickey.

去年との大きな違いは、ジュリアです。去年のミッキーの家での撮影の時、ミッキーが隣に立った瞬間に、大絶叫の大泣きだったジュリア。でも、今年は、最初のチップとデールで少々泣いたものの、ミッキーとのお食事では、逆にスマイルまでサービスしてくれました。こちらは、ミニーと2ショット。成長したジュリアです。Noah even enjoyed meeting Pluto. We'll see how he will be next year though.

ノアもチャラクター達との時間をエンジョイ。ノアはジュリアのように泣きませんでした。肝が据わっているのか、何がなんだか分かってないだけか…。Every plate had Mickey shape somewhere. This is one of the desert plate.

さすがは夢の国、ディズニーリゾート。お食事のご膳一つ一つが、華麗にミッキーで飾られておりました。こちらは、デザートプレートの1つ。By the way, we have discovered one of Mickey's secrets during this lunch, which we cannot post it public. If you are interested, let us know and we'll tell you offline.


Aladdin is one of girls' favorite movies. Girls got to ride the Aladdin carousel. They first wanted to get on the same horse, but they had to get on separate horse for safety reasons.

アラジンは、エリとジュリアのお気に入りの映画のひとつ。そのアラジンのメリーゴーランドに乗っている2人です。本当は2人で一緒に乗りたかったのに…。Noah is not old enough for most of the rides, but he was happy the whole time. Maybe because of his sisters' excitement.

乗り物にあまり乗れないノアも、雰囲気に圧倒されたのか、結構はしゃいでおりました。At Disneyland, Ellie got to see Cinderella, another favorite.

ディズニーランドでは、シンデレラにも会えました!At Disneyland, we used early entry passes, and we got to ride new rides such as Monsters Inc., Buzz Lightyear's Astro Blaster, Pooh's Honey Hunt without any wait. Ellie and Daddy even rode Buzz Lightyear twice.


We enjoyed Mikey & Minny's Polynesian Paradise dinner show. Girls were invited to dance on the stage with Minny. Ellie did a good job doing Polynesian dance moves.


エリとジュリアは、ステージでミニーと一緒にハワイアンダンスを踊ってきました。エリは真面目なので、忠実に振り付けを真似して踊っています。2人とも、とても楽しかったようです。We won the Monsters Inc night show tickets and we got to sit in seats. This is also a water splashing show, but the wind was blowing to the side and we didn't get wet.


Lastly, we watched the electrical parade. By then, girls were quite tired, but they were really excited about what they called "twinkle twinkle parade"

最後にエレクトリカルパレードを見てきました。既に遅い時間だったので、エリもジュリアも疲労の色が見えていましたが、さすがに目の前を通るキラキラには、興奮しないではいられなかった様です。It was a fun Disney vacation. Girls had so much fun.


Jul 4, 2009

4th of July

Last year on the 4th of July, we were at Grandpa and Grandma's house. This year we celebrated in Tokyo.


Ellie helped with the star-shaped cookies. (Red sprinkles for valor.)


The next day at church, Ellie was learning about "helping others" in Primary and she was the first one to rise her hand to answer "I helped Mommy make cookies!!"

ちなみに、翌日の教会での日曜学校、「お手伝いをする」というトピックのレッスンで、エリが真っ先に手を上げ、「I helped Mommy make cookies!!(マミーのクッキー作り、お手伝いしたの~!)」と答えていたそうです。
なんともかわいい…。I made US flag cake. I am Japanese and I don't know why I am making other country's flag. I got a comment from a friend saying it would be whole a lot easier to make my Japan flag than a US one. It's probably true because all I have to do is make a big red circle in the center.

It was fun making it though. I originally tried to use strawberry for stripes, but the season is over and I could not find any at the store. So I used plums.

独立記念ケーキも作ってみました。本当はストライプにはイチゴを使いたかったのですが、日本ではイチゴはシーズンオフ。お店でまったく売ってなかったので、プラムを使ってみました。Girls were wearing 4th of July shirts since this is the only day they can wear this. Noah got All Star shirts. I thought colors were pretty close.

エリとジュリアは、独立記念日Tシャツで登場です。ノアは、オールスタープレイヤーシャツ。色が星条旗色だったので、OKとしました。In the evening, we had "All American" BBQ at our friends. Then, we went to shoot fireworks. It was so much fun!

Our girls were having too much fun with fireworks. Jill took great pictures and she has them up on her post.

