We've been keeping in touch with Ellie's school friends family. We've been talking about going on a surf trip and finally we make it! 3 families got together and went out to Ooarai beach in Ibaragi. Weather forecast was supposed to be rain, but it turned out such a beautiful day.
Daddy rented a surf board and started his first trial of surfing.
Kids were so happy seeing their friends. It has been awhile since they saw each other last, but they certainly remember each other. (not sure about Julia, but Ellie definitely does.) They were so excited to play at the beach.
子供達は、久しぶりに会えたお友達と大はしゃぎ。ビーチのお砂遊びや、海での波遊びを、楽しんでおりました。Ellie likes playing in the ocean waves. She got her own tube and she goes in the water right away without a fear. Most of the times we had to watch carefully because she goes in too far out.
Julia, on the other hand, does not like waves at all. She sits on her princess beach chair and does not move at all.
D: "Juju, let's go play in the ocean."
J: "No!! I no like play ocean!"
Daddy held her and took her in the ocean, but she cried the whole time...
This is Noah with his friend who is 2 months older than him. He is a little sleepy boy in this picture.
こちらは、海の家でお友達と遊んでいるノアです。お友達のYくんは、ノアより2ヶ月年上。ノアはちょっと眠そうでした…。Daddy struggled his surf trial first, but he seemed to like it.
Mommy got to try surfing too, and I really like it. It was so much fun! I got to stand on the board a couple of times.
実はマミーもダディのボードを借りて、サーフィンをしてみました。これが、なんと楽しいこと!何回かトライしたのですが、数回ボード上で立つことができました!楽しすぎで、ホント、ハマってしまいそうです。It was so much fun.
Aug 29, 2009
Aug 25, 2009
Ellie and Umbrella
Ellie LOVES her umbrella.
This is her comment on one beautiful sunny summer day.
E: "I need an umbrella."
M: "Why?"
E: "Cuz it's sunny!"
本日快晴の夏日、お外が晴れているので、傘が必要なんだそうです…。This is an umbrella picture with silly Julia.
This is her comment on one beautiful sunny summer day.
E: "I need an umbrella."
M: "Why?"
E: "Cuz it's sunny!"
本日快晴の夏日、お外が晴れているので、傘が必要なんだそうです…。This is an umbrella picture with silly Julia.
Aug 20, 2009
Lunch with Friend
My friend, Ann and I have been planning our lunch outing for lunch so long, and finally we did it! Since we both had kids, we decided to go to somewhere kids friendly, and we went Isetan Dining.
Ellie was so happy seeing her friend, Kai. It has been so long since our playgroup ended, so I don't think Ellie remembered Kai well, but they played together great.
Lunch was fun! Thanks, Ann, for bunch of things for Noah!! We'll play again!!
Ellie was so happy seeing her friend, Kai. It has been so long since our playgroup ended, so I don't think Ellie remembered Kai well, but they played together great.

Aug 5, 2009
Visiting Old Friends
My friend from elementary school, Mariko, just had a baby last month and Akiyo (another elementary school friend) and I went to visit her.
Her little baby boy was born really small. He is one month right now and he is still only 8lb. Noah, born as a 9lb baby, was never that small from the beginning...
It was fun to get together with my old friends. Noah and Akiyo's baby were close age and they were cute playing together. Ellie was the only oldest, but she seemed to have a fun time there too. We will play together again!

It was fun to get together with my old friends. Noah and Akiyo's baby were close age and they were cute playing together. Ellie was the only oldest, but she seemed to have a fun time there too. We will play together again!
Aug 4, 2009
Silly Noah
Aug 1, 2009
United States of Odaiba
We planned to go swimming with the Humphrey's and we were looking forward to it, but of course there is always a last minute sickness. In the morning, someone claimed a tummy ache and didn't want to go swimming in the cold weather. (Strangely we have been having irregular cool days in Tokyo. It has been nice, but a little too cold for swimming.) So we had to change the destination at the last minute. (Sorry, Humphrey's...)
Plan B was an Odaiba outing. There is a summer-only event sponsored by Fuji TV called "United States of Odaiba" and we can be the guests on the TV shows, quiz game show, etc. Girls had a lot of fun meeting with TV characters.
We experienced one of the quiz shows. I did ok on the quiz and got 8 out of 10.
This is one of Mike's favorite Japanese show called, "SMAP x SMAP". He watches it every week. Girls don't know this show since it is on late night, but they were happy pretending to be on Daddy's favorite show.
This is another popular Japanese mid-day show. Girls really looked like they were on the show.
Girls wanted to take a picture with one of their favorite cartoon characters, Chibimaruko-chan. Of course girls don't think they can share "Maru-chan" (main character girl) and fighting on who gets to be with the character first.
Noah also enjoyed this little outing. He was a happy boy the whole time.
After our little picnic at the park, we went to see big Gundam statue. If you don't know "Gundam", you are perfectly ok because I don't know much about it either. All I now is that Gundam cartoon show was on when I was little and the boys I knew were into it.
The Gundam was huge, way bigger than I thought. And more amazingly, there were so many people there. Mostly men about my age or older, telling kids about the story.
エリは、「Big robot!(大きいロボットだ~)」とはしゃいでおりました。
As we thought that the girls were tired and were walking towards the car to head home, girls found a perfect park to play.
そろそろ帰ろうか、と車に向かって歩いている途中、エリとジュリアが見つけてしまいました、ステキな公園を。大きな船を見た瞬間、エリの目がキラ~ン。「Can I go play?(遊んできていい?)」と、お願いがいっぱい詰まった目で訴えられてしまいました。
Then, they found a little water creek to play at. For some reason, Ellie took her pants off. Of course Julia does everything Ellie does, so her pants were off too. And they both went straight into water.
Then the girls water play got escalated and they went to the water fountain. Once that started, they were soaking wet.
They played hard all day. They were so tired and went right to sleep on the way back in the car. It was a fun day. We like Odaiba and we'll come again.
Plan B was an Odaiba outing. There is a summer-only event sponsored by Fuji TV called "United States of Odaiba" and we can be the guests on the TV shows, quiz game show, etc. Girls had a lot of fun meeting with TV characters.
We experienced one of the quiz shows. I did ok on the quiz and got 8 out of 10.
The Gundam was huge, way bigger than I thought. And more amazingly, there were so many people there. Mostly men about my age or older, telling kids about the story.
エリは、「Big robot!(大きいロボットだ~)」とはしゃいでおりました。
そろそろ帰ろうか、と車に向かって歩いている途中、エリとジュリアが見つけてしまいました、ステキな公園を。大きな船を見た瞬間、エリの目がキラ~ン。「Can I go play?(遊んできていい?)」と、お願いがいっぱい詰まった目で訴えられてしまいました。
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