Dec 25, 2007

2007 Christmas

This year is Ellie's 2nd and Julia's first Christmas. On Christmas eve night, we got milk and cookie ready for Santa. The Christmas morning, we all got together under the tree and opened the presents! It was a chaos, but girls had a lot of fun.


Ellie is quite happy with her "Alphabet Pal"
Julia received a bouncy Tigger! (Many thanks to antie Nicole!!) However, Juila seemed to be interested in wrapping paper and boxes more. ジュリアはティガーです。が、ジュリアは、ラッピングペーパーや箱での遊びに夢中になっておりました。
By the way, Daddy got Wii Supermario Galaxy and he is quite happy about it.

Merry Christmas!

Dec 21, 2007

Ellie and Julia and Miffy

Ellie and Julia love Miffy. They play with them all the time!

Dec 16, 2007

Ellie likes eye drop??

Ellie does not like eye drops at all. But strange thing happened today and she wanted to have eye drop before she went to bed. I'm still not sure what that meant...

Dec 15, 2007

Ellie's Palette Christmas Presentation

Ellie had a wonderful Christmas presentation at Palette. She was an elf and sang Twinkle Twinkle Little Star in Japanese in front of all the moms and dads.

At the end, Santa came to give presents to all the children. Well, this Santa awfuly looks like someone we all know. Must be his bowl full of jelly.

Ellie pooped in a potty again!

This morning, right in the busy time of the day and we were about to leave, Ellie decided to tell Mom and Dad that she wanted to poop. We hurried and took her to the potty and guess what!? SHE DID POOP IN THE POTTY! Daddy and Mommy were soooo proud of Ellie!

Dec 8, 2007

beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

We got our Christmas decoration up! The sad thing about our Christmas tree is that we have all our ornaments on Ellie and Julia's unreachable zone, which is upper portion of the tree. It was very sad to see the bear tree bottom.

Julia joined in our family this year and we didn't haver her stocking ready. So, she's got a little tiny one for this year. We'll have a decent one for her next year.

Dec 7, 2007

Phil & Ted e3

This stroller has been serving us REALLY good. As you see, it can take 2 kids and works PERFECT! We're really happy about this stroller.
このベビーカーは、とても便利に使っております。ニュージーランド、Phil & Teds社のe3というモデルなのですが、とっても便利です。なんといっても二人乗りオプションでしょう。写真での二人乗り以外にも、新生児対応で、下をフラットにした二人乗りオプションもあるのです!!

Ward Christmas Party

2nd Ward Christmas party theme was "Nativity" and we dressed up like nativity scene. Ellie was a shepherd. Julia was an angel (only if you notice little wing on Julia's back).
Kana-chan and Shuhei-kun came and we had so much fun!
Ellie is scared of Santa for some reason. She would not get any close to him at all...
Julia was unlike Ellie and had fun on Santa's lap.

Dec 5, 2007

Ellie can peepee in the potty.

Ellie can now pee in the potty successfully most of the times. But she still has a little issue when it comes to poopoo. Once in a while she can poop successfully in the potty, but she needs a little more practice...
Pictures definitely not available.

Nov 29, 2007

Baby Cereal


Nov 25, 2007

Plane ride back to Tokyo

Ellie on the plane ride. She was a little tired and decided to take over Julia's vaccinate to sleep.

Nov 21, 2007

Family Photo

Since we all got together for Thanksgiving, we decided to take a family picture.
Ellie and Julia do not know how to smile...

Nov 19, 2007

At the farm

We were at Thanksgiving Point and went to the farm.
みんなで、Thanksgiving Pointのファームに行きました。

Ellie was too scared of animals. She only liked to watch bunnys but from the distance (as you can tell from the picture...)

Nov 18, 2007

Trip to Logan

We went to Logan for Thanksgiving. Everyone got togetgher. This time, Baba came along with us. We had a wonderful time together.
感謝祭にアメリカに帰りました。マイケルの兄弟みーんな集まりました。ばぁばも今回は一緒に来ました。 We drove up to campus on the first day.
Baba: I'm freezing!
Mike: It's nice and cool.

Nov 13, 2007

Baby Food Tip

I make my own baby food, like carrots, rice, squash (Kabocha), etc. Then, I store them in ice cube tray to freeze. Once it is frozen, you take it out and put them in a ziplock bag. This way, I can store them in a cube and defros as many as I need. This strategy has been working very well. I do this with everything now and it is very handy, especially when you don't have time.
This is just a tip for Moms!


Nov 11, 2007

I got a tooth!

Julia: Look everyone! I got a tooth!!

Nov 9, 2007

Ellie and Julia rolling around.

JuJu likes to get on top of Ellie. They like rolling around on the floor.

Nov 8, 2007

Ellie can put jammies on by herself!

Ellie: I can put my own jammies by myself! It's a little tough to put through my feet, but I can do it!
The tough part is my bummy. I always need Daddy's help on this. But you know what!? I think I can do it this time!!

Nov 7, 2007

Ellie potty poopoo

Nov 5th, 2007 was the memorable day for Ellie. It was the day that she first pooped in a potty! Yeah!!
*photographs are not available.

Nov 6, 2007

Julia cruising

Our JuJu can stand up by herself (with the help of furniture). Her territory has expanded quite a bit. She gets up and look around. and trying to walk around.

JuJu loves Miffy!

Nov 3, 2007


We went to Ohakamairi with Jiji and Baba. We visited relatives and met anties. Ellie wanted to play at Fuji cemetary more, but had to rush to Antie Keiko's for lunch. At Antie Keiko's we always have to eat, eat and eat.


Oct 31, 2007

Halloween 2007

Halloween this year. Ellie and JuJu became pumpkin and monkey.

On the 31st, they went Trick or Treating around our neighborhood. They got plenty of candies! (too much sugar...)

We had several Halloween events this year.

On Oct 20th, we had Halloween picnic at Yoyogi park. Ellie's friend, Kana-chan came! Ellie this time was a cat!


On, 27th was the Halloween party at the church. Ellie's friends, Rin-chan and Io-kun came!


Oct 28, 2007

Ellie's treasure

When Ellie goes to the park to play, she HAS TO find and pick up her treasures (and these are always leaves, rocks, garbage, etc...) Then she stuffs all her treasure into her little pocket, and bring them home. So, Mommy sometimes washes her treasure with her clothes.

By the way, these are her treasures.

Oct 22, 2007

Ellie shares raisins with Abigail

We went to CostCo with the Riches. Ellie and Abigail eating raisins together.

Oct 20, 2007

Ellie loves? to share

Whenever Ellie plays with something, JuJu wants to join. Ellie is being a good big sister (often not) and shares.

When Ellie does NOT want to share, she climbs up high so that JuJu cannot reach.


Oct 13, 2007

Palette Undokai

Today was Palette Undokai! Ellie ran with Sushi on her back. She also danced with Daddy. Daddy ran twice on the track. Our team was #2!! JuJu and Mommy cheered for Ellie and Daddy.


Oct 10, 2007

Julia being a bulldozer

JuJu crawls and moves around perfect now. She is almost ready to stand too. Stocker house has gates all over not only for Ellie but for JuJu too.

Sep 25, 2007

JuJu in the hospital

Poor JuJu was in the hospital for awhile. She had a seizure in the middle of the night and was admitted to the hospital right away. Her seizure was long and doctors were afraid of her brain damage. So, JuJu got her brain activities checked. Fortunately, there was no damage. She stayed there for 2 weeks and came home healthy!

Sep 14, 2007

Outing to Tokyo Amusement Machine Show

We got a free ticket to Tokyo Amusement Machine Show, so all of us went on the family day. Ellie was fascinated with the coin arcade game and sat there and played forever. Then, Mommy got her on the little children carousel, but she is so not sure if she liked it (as you can tell by her face.)

Sep 8, 2007

Family lunch at J's GARDEN

We went to J's GARDEN for lunch. We really like this place because food is tasty and they are kids friendly. They even have a parking on the basement! They serve nice Italian.
J's GARDENにランチに行きました。このレストランは、ファミレスと一言で片付けるのはかなり失礼なほどお洒落な雰囲気で、おいしいイタリアンをいただくことができます。もちろん子供大歓迎で、駐車場も完備なので、ストウカー家御用達です。うちは車ですぐの池尻にいきますが、ほかにもお店はあるようです。
Ellie loves spaghetti. Noodle is hanging from her mouth (as you can see on the picture.) She sloops so quick so sometimes it whips her chin. Can you tell how fun it is to clean after she is done???
And this is with Daddy!!

Sep 2, 2007

JuJu tubby time

Ellie had too many picture of her bathing, so we figured we need JuJu's tubby picutre too. She likes bath and she is happy when Daddy washes her up. She does not like water in her face though.

Aug 24, 2007

Izu Summer Trip

Our family summer vacation was in Izu this year.
We all had a blast time at the beach! JuJu first time on salty sea water. She didn't quite like it. She liked swimming pool better...
えりはDaddyと海です。じゅりあも初めての海。でも、塩辛いお水は嫌いで、プールのほうがよかったみたい。 Ellie and Julia are tired after playing and decided to nap at the beach.
泳いだ後は、お疲れで、ビーチでお昼寝。。We had Japanese dinner at Onsen Ryokan.
On the way back home, we stopped at Baio Park to see the animals. Ellie fed carrots to the giraff.
帰りは バイオパークに寄りました。えりは、キリンににんじんをあげました。