Dec 25, 2007

2007 Christmas

This year is Ellie's 2nd and Julia's first Christmas. On Christmas eve night, we got milk and cookie ready for Santa. The Christmas morning, we all got together under the tree and opened the presents! It was a chaos, but girls had a lot of fun.


Ellie is quite happy with her "Alphabet Pal"
Julia received a bouncy Tigger! (Many thanks to antie Nicole!!) However, Juila seemed to be interested in wrapping paper and boxes more. ジュリアはティガーです。が、ジュリアは、ラッピングペーパーや箱での遊びに夢中になっておりました。
By the way, Daddy got Wii Supermario Galaxy and he is quite happy about it.

Merry Christmas!

Dec 21, 2007

Ellie and Julia and Miffy

Ellie and Julia love Miffy. They play with them all the time!

Dec 16, 2007

Ellie likes eye drop??

Ellie does not like eye drops at all. But strange thing happened today and she wanted to have eye drop before she went to bed. I'm still not sure what that meant...

Dec 15, 2007

Ellie's Palette Christmas Presentation

Ellie had a wonderful Christmas presentation at Palette. She was an elf and sang Twinkle Twinkle Little Star in Japanese in front of all the moms and dads.

At the end, Santa came to give presents to all the children. Well, this Santa awfuly looks like someone we all know. Must be his bowl full of jelly.

Ellie pooped in a potty again!

This morning, right in the busy time of the day and we were about to leave, Ellie decided to tell Mom and Dad that she wanted to poop. We hurried and took her to the potty and guess what!? SHE DID POOP IN THE POTTY! Daddy and Mommy were soooo proud of Ellie!

Dec 8, 2007

beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

We got our Christmas decoration up! The sad thing about our Christmas tree is that we have all our ornaments on Ellie and Julia's unreachable zone, which is upper portion of the tree. It was very sad to see the bear tree bottom.

Julia joined in our family this year and we didn't haver her stocking ready. So, she's got a little tiny one for this year. We'll have a decent one for her next year.

Dec 7, 2007

Phil & Ted e3

This stroller has been serving us REALLY good. As you see, it can take 2 kids and works PERFECT! We're really happy about this stroller.
このベビーカーは、とても便利に使っております。ニュージーランド、Phil & Teds社のe3というモデルなのですが、とっても便利です。なんといっても二人乗りオプションでしょう。写真での二人乗り以外にも、新生児対応で、下をフラットにした二人乗りオプションもあるのです!!

Ward Christmas Party

2nd Ward Christmas party theme was "Nativity" and we dressed up like nativity scene. Ellie was a shepherd. Julia was an angel (only if you notice little wing on Julia's back).
Kana-chan and Shuhei-kun came and we had so much fun!
Ellie is scared of Santa for some reason. She would not get any close to him at all...
Julia was unlike Ellie and had fun on Santa's lap.

Dec 5, 2007

Ellie can peepee in the potty.

Ellie can now pee in the potty successfully most of the times. But she still has a little issue when it comes to poopoo. Once in a while she can poop successfully in the potty, but she needs a little more practice...
Pictures definitely not available.