Julia is 3 years old now and she had a Shichi-Go-San Coming of Age celebration.
Shichi-Go-San is a traditional rite of passage and festival day in Japan for three and seven year-old girls and three and five year-old boys. It is traditionally held annually on November 15, but most of the people in these days target around this day. So, November is a pretty busy month for Japanese Shrines.
First, we went to shrine with our family in Chiba and Jiji and Baba celebrated together with us. Julia was dressed in Kimono and was looking pretty.
Here's Jiji and Julia. Later on, Baba and Auntie Naomi joined together.
Family shot.
Also, we had a fun Shichi-Go-San shrine visit at Meiji Shrine with friends. We had bunch of kids who are right on Shichi-Go-San age, so we decided to do it all together.
It was Stocker family with Julia (3), Bezzant family with Bella (also 3) and Cannon family with Anthon (5) all together at Meiji Shrine. They were soooo cute dressed up together!!!
What was so funny was that while we were there we got our picture taken by bunch of random people. Especially our kids dressed up in Kimono. I think it was more on Anthon and Bella than Julia since they were full Gaijin (foreign) face. Bunch of random Japanese people were just taking pictures of our kids. I felt like we were some super model or something. It never happens when I'm alone since I'm Japanese. I kinda wished my kids were full Gaijin. Too bad they have my side of blood.
Look at these three! They are soooo cute!!!
We'll put up everyone's picture later.