HAPPY 1ST BIRTHDAY, JULIA!!It is Julia's 1st birthday! Julia turned one today!! It was Sunday and we had a lot of people from church who celebrated Julia's 1st birthday. Thank you everyone!!
I also watned to thank Julia for being with us for a year. You and Ellie bring us happiness and joy. We love you tons and we will be together forever with you!

We had a little birthday party at our house in the evening. This is Julia's first time eating cake! She was messy, but not as messy was Ellie on her 1st birthday.

Kyrie helped Julia to have a bite of her cake.

When Julia was to open the presents, Julia was more excited on playing with wrapping paper and boxes. Ellie of course helped to open presents and she was more excited about the presents than Juila.

Thank you everyone for coming to Julia's 1st birthday!! We love you all!!