Uncle Ken had a crazy thought while he was walking down the Ginza street and decided to take us to Ueno Zoo. It was such a gorgeous day but there were a lot of people there. Ellie was too excited to see many animals. She had a good view on top of Uncle Ken's shoulders, but Julia was on the stroller and she only saw people bums... So, Mommy ended up carrying her to see the animals. (and she is getting really heavy.)
Uncle Kenと、今度は上野動物園へお出かけです。お天気は快晴。絶好の動物園日和でしたが、人が多かった…。愛理はたくさんの動物達に大興奮!Uncle Kenの肩車に快適な様子。しかしながら、ベビーカーからの視界のみのジュリアは、見るもの全て人の足ばっか。ちょっとかわいそうなので、さすがに動物の前ではちゃんと出して見せてあげたら、かなり喜んでいました。特にサルがお気に入り。ひょっとして、類友?

I like looking at monkeys the most cuz I act like it at home!

Ellie got on the big elephant. "Humongous Elephant" is what she describes as.

2 monkeys in front of a big Gorilla.

Monkey in front of the Gorilla?

Ellie wanted to become a bunny and tried on bunny ears, but she also wanted to be a giraffe too.
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