Uncle Ken took us out to the soccer game. Unfortunately it started raining when we got there. But the game was fun and we enjoyed it a lot. This is their first soccer game for Ellie and Julia. They've gone to Aggie basketball games with Grandpa several times and Ellie is usually pretty good at cheering for Aggies. We were wondering how she would do with "GOAL!!" instead of "Go Aggies Go Aggies!" but she did pretty good. When she saw the goal, she stood up and performed a "GOAL!" dance for everyone.
お友達のUncle Kenと、サッカー観戦です。天候はあいにくのぱらぱら雨でしたが、屋根のある場所に座っていたので、十分ゲームを楽しめました。エリとジュリアは、おじいちゃんと一緒にバスケに試合には結構行くのですが、サッカーは初めてでした。ゲーム内容が違うのでどうかしら、とも思ったけど、エリはゴールを見ると周りが興奮しているのに同乗し、満面の笑顔で一人ゴールダンスを繰り広げておりました。十分楽しんだようです。

Julia was with Daddy whole time. It seems she enjoyed fries more than the game.

This is JuJu close-up.
We had a blast time at the game. Thank you so much, Uncle Ken, for taking us out!
お友達のUncle Kenと、サッカー観戦です。天候はあいにくのぱらぱら雨でしたが、屋根のある場所に座っていたので、十分ゲームを楽しめました。エリとジュリアは、おじいちゃんと一緒にバスケに試合には結構行くのですが、サッカーは初めてでした。ゲーム内容が違うのでどうかしら、とも思ったけど、エリはゴールを見ると周りが興奮しているのに同乗し、満面の笑顔で一人ゴールダンスを繰り広げておりました。十分楽しんだようです。

Julia was with Daddy whole time. It seems she enjoyed fries more than the game.

This is JuJu close-up.

1 comment:
Looks like so much fun! We've taken Reina to a basketball game, 2 hockey games, and a few football games, but never a soccer game. Judging from how she did at the other sporting events, she probably wouldn't even be able to tell a difference :)
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