Jul 27, 2008

Dogashima and Jukkoku

Day3, we went to Dogashima for a boat ride around these huge rock formations. It was a hot day but we stayed cool on the deck of the boat and had a fun boat ride. It was pretty cool that the boat went inside of the cave. Ellie says "Wow, Daddy!" while we were in the cave.

After the boat ride, we enjoyed Sushi in Dogashima. Ellie was going out of control and was just running around the sushi restaurant. Julia enjoyed Natto rolls, but Daddy did not like her when she rubbed it all over him. (Daddy says he got "Natto"ed.)


On the way home, we drove through Izu Skyline. This road is Daddy's favorite driving route. Mommy and the girls don't care about the winding roads as much as Daddy does, but the view from the skyline is certainly beautiful. It was a great drive for girls to take naps too.


When we get to Hakone mountain, we stopped at Jukkoku Toge and went on a cable car to the mountain top. The view was supposed to be beautiful, but very unfortunately clouds came in and we were not able to see. Very sad. I guess we'll have to do this again some other time. Girls had a lot of fun just riding the cable car.
Hakone is very close to where I grew up. This is where I hang out quite a lot when I was young. It was strange to come back with my family...


Jul 26, 2008

Shirahama Beach

Vacation day2. We basically stayed at the beach and the pool all day long. Girls were pretty funny when we decided to go into the ocean. Ellie and Julia have disliked the salty water and constant waves at first and took them awhile to get adjusted. It was pretty surprising that Julia actually liked getting rocked by the wave. Julia even fell asleep on the ocean. (Ellie did the same when she was about Julia's age at the beach in Okinawa...)


Playing on the beach, they were of course playing with the sand.

The hotel had a nice pool and we enjoyed playing in there. They had a wonderful pool for small children! The kiddy pool was divided in sections and depth of each section was different. Julia could even walk on the most shallow section and she loved it! Julia and Ellie loved walking around the kiddy pool and they didn't want to come out.

That's pretty much what we did it on Day2. Of course in the evening, we enjoyed delicious Izu food and Onsen. Mommy decided to send Ellie with Daddy this time so that she could enjoy Onsen with Julia and it was successful!


Jul 25, 2008

Summer Vacation to Izu

We went to Izu for our summer family vacation. We drove pass Shirahama beach several times before and saw the beautiful beach, so this year we decided to stay there several days and enjoy the beach.


On the way to Shirahama, we stopped to see "Johren no taki" waterfall. We had to walk a bit (and girls refused to walk, so we had to carry them), but the waterfall was really beautiful. Around the fall, water is so clear and there were many of wasabi fields.


After the waterfall hike, we were hungry and decided to hit Daddy's favorite restaurant in Shimoda. We've dined at this place quite a bit and we love it. (Mike is really in love with this place since they serve good western food. I guess I have to admit that I have American husband...) His favorite menu is fish tacos, and girls like minestrone. Everything is really good and we always wanted to go back every time we were in South Izu. This is our highly recommended restaurant!


We stopped several places but finally got to Shirahama. We checked in the hotel and went direct to the beach. Shirahama beach was gorgeous! Sand was white and water was beautiful.


As soon as we got to the beach, girls were more interested in playing with the sand than going into the ocean.
ビーチにたどり着くと、子供達は海はそっちのけで、砂遊びに没頭…。Julia got buried in the sand by Daddy and Ellie. Julia seemed to like it.
まずは、ジュリアがDaddyとエリに埋められました。Oh, we see someones toes!!
おやっ、足だけみえるぞーっ。After Julia got out of the sand, it is now Ellie's turn.
ジュリアが掘り出された後は、すかさず、「今度はえりの番!」とばかりに、自から埋められていくエリでした。Of course Ellie was so happy to be in the sand.
After the beach activity, girls took a nap and then played at the pool. Then we all went to Onsen. Ellie came with Mommy and Julia with Daddy. Ellie was so excited that there were many tubs. There were even 2 tubs outside with huge garden and Ellie was too excited running around...


Jul 24, 2008

Ellie and pantie

Ellie now wears a big girl underwear! Yeah!!

We have been pretty successful on Ellie's potty training. Ellie has been out of diaper for almost 1 months and no accidents now.


We started as soon as we came back from the US (2nd week of June). She was able to do #2 even she had a diaper on, and her friends have been training around her. So, we figured we give a shot and see what happens.


She refused to go to the bathroon, so we had 3 accidents on Day 1. Daddy was ready to quit, but Mommy wanted to continue. (Of course Mommy won and we continued.) Day 2 and 3, no accidents (she listened and went to potty when Mommy told her to go.) Day 4, Ellie had 1 accident, and not much aafter that. (there were several more like... she was in the bathroom but her pants were tight and she couldn't get it off fast enough, she wanted to be a boy and tried to stand to pee and got the pantie wet, she was at someone's house and wasn't sure what to do, etc. but not a major one.) As I recall, we only dealt with major accident during the first week of her potty training.


Accidents mostly happened because she refused to go to the bathroom since we asked too many times. So, what I did is that I asked once and didn't ask anymore (and I did that when she was wearing her favorite pantie.) That gave her a lesson that her needs to go to the bathroom if she wants to wear her favorite pantie. Ever since then, her accidnets decreased enormously.


By the way, this is one of her favorite panties. She likes flower and butterfly ones (which I purchased in Philipines awhile ago.) This is totally a wrong way of wearing a pantie and Ellie knows that (she'd better know...) And just to note that this is a clean one came directly out of the washer/drier.


Jul 19, 2008

Saddest Day...

One thing that sucks about living in Tokyo is that people move so often. I'm going to have to say that this is one of the saddest days in my life. One of our really close family friends, the Richs, had made a decision to leave Tokyo. We were close and we did many things together. Ellie loved playing with McKenna and Abigail. Julia just started to play together with them as well. It was very sad to see them leave Tokyo.


We had a little get together farewell dinner at Moti. It was a fun dinner together. (Girls were having too much fun with everything...)


We also got together with them on Sunday night to play a game. Game night is something that we often did with the Richs.


We are so sad, but we will definitely see you sometime soon!! (and we HAVE TO!)

Toshimaen Pool

Since it is the beginning of 3 day weekend, we thought roads would be jammed everywhere. So, we decided to stay inside of Tokyo and have fun. Since we get discount ticket from Daddy's work, we decided to go to Toshimaen Pool.


We went this place last year and had a lot of fun, but we remember being really crowded. So we decided to get there first thing in the morning. We thought our arrival time was perfect, but Mommy screwed up the park open time and we were there 1hour early... So we chilled in a car for awhile. The girls watched movies and finding stuff to do in a car. They did pretty good job waiting.


We were allowed to get in a little earlier than the time that park opened. We were definitely one of the people who were there first. (There were several others who screwed up the time as well.) We settled down our stuff and start playing. We liked lazy river the most. After lazy river, we played at the wave pool and kiddy pool.


After all the pool activity, we thought kids were both tired. But Ellie wanted to do some rides at the amusement park area. So she got to get on several rides. Her favorite was Anpanman ride. She did it twice and she was so happy. After that, she rode a little train, carousel, etc. She was having fun a lot, but Julia was too tired. She did carousel once and that was enough for her.


The tired girl stayed quietly in the stroller while Ellie was having fun with the ride.


Jul 12, 2008

Girls having a fun and lazy Saturday

We came back from the States and Daddy had to leave for Singapore on a business trip the day after. Fortunately he was gone for only a few days, so he came back on Saturday morning.


Mommy had the pool prepared on our roof deck on Saturday so the girls played hard (Daddy joined in too.) They had too much fun sliding into the pool, water fight, etc.


Since they played so hard, they went direct to sleep when nap time came. This slept quite good and they were pretty happy when they woke up. Ellie likes to climb in Julia's crib when they both wake up.


Jul 4, 2008

Bear Lake Beach Activity

After 4th of July breakfast, we went up to Bear Lake for beach activity. the Okelberry family was already there on the beach and had camped over from the night before.


Uncle Chris took us on a boat ride. The water was a little cold, but Ellie, Mommy and Daddy had a lot of fun being in a sail boat.


Julia didn't appreciate the cold water, so she mostly played on the beach with her cousins.


Thank you, Okelberry family!! It was so much fun and the lunch was delicious! We definitely want to join in on the beach activities and boating with you again!!

4th of July Breakfast

We went to a little 4th of July neighborhood breakfast with Grandpa and Grandma. Both girls wore their 4th of July outfit and had fun playing with people and enjoyed the waffles.


Of course Julia was the biggest eater. She almost ate the whole waffle all by herself (plus strawberries and little bit of sausage...)


Jul 3, 2008

4th of July Fireworks

In Logan), the 4th of July fireworks are actually on the 3rd, (which I wasn't aware and was surprised a little.) Ellie and Julia went out to her cousins to do some sparklers.


Auntie Nicole had a fun hammock on her backyard and the girls and their cousins, Hanna, Jessie, and Sarah had a lot of fun with it.


After they played a little hard (they even had a water fight as you may notice that kids are all wet in the pictures...) we started sparklers.


Julia was not sure what fireworks are, so she tried to grab the fire part of fireworks, which scared me and is the reason why I'm holding Julia pretty tight.


Ellie, on the other hand, was a bit scared of fireworks. She held a sparkler, but after few seconds (while it was still going) she dropped them in a water (and of course the sparkler dies...) I'm not sure if she actually enjoyed sparklers, but she sure looked happy, so I guess everything is ok.


One thing I'm sad about US sparklers is that there seemed to be only a few kinds (or maybe one kind.) In Japan, there are so many different kind of sparklers that we can enjoy (different shapes, colors, tricks, etc) but I've never seen variety of sparklers in US. Same with shooting kinds, we find so many different kind of cool fireworks in Japan, but I never see them in US. I wish we could ship these cool ones to US...



True Aggie??

"Ellie and Julia became True Aggies!"
「エリとジュリアが、True Aggieになりました!」

What is "True Aggie"?? There is a tradition at Utah State University. True Aggie is the term given to those who on homecoming, A-Day or on a full moon each month a full moon promenade to the A next to Old Main and kiss their love, friend, or stranger.

True Aggieとは、ユタ州立大学に伝わる言い伝えで、Old Mainビルの隣にある「A」の上で、ホームカミング、Aディ、もしくは満月の夜にキスをすると、「True Aggie」になれるというものです。

It wasn't homecoming, A-Day, nor full moon night, so they ware not officially true aggies. But we certainly got a cute picture of Ellie and Julia on the "A" kissing each other.

まぁ、実際ホームカミングでも、Aディでもなければ、満月でもなかったので、「True Aggie」とは言えないのでしょうが、まぁ、行き帰りの道のりも含めて超興奮の2人だったので、良しとしましょう。

Or maybe Mommy and Ellie being True Aggies??
マミーとエリとでキスしちゃいました。「True Aggie」??

As you can see, they were so excited on the way to the "A".

Jul 2, 2008

Our highly recommended restaurants

We found several great restaurants during our trip (mostly in Jackson Hole area). If you are heading this area, we recommend to stop and dine at these places for sure!


Our first recommendation is inside of Grand Teton National Park. The restaurant is inside of Signal Mountain Lodge called "Trapper Grill".
This place was actually recommended by our sister, Sally. Her whole family liked this place so we stopped and dined. The food was gorgeous and we loved it! Girls even ate bunch of food and we were quite surprised too.

最初のオススメは、グランドティトン国立公園内にあります。シグナルマウンテンロッジ内の、 "Trapper Grill"というレストラン。実は、マイケルのお姉さん、Sallyに勧められてここに立ち寄ることにしたのですが、大正解!注文した全てのお料理がとても美味しいのです。子供達もほとんどのお料理を美味しそうにたいらげ、驚きでした。

We also found a little cafe in Jackson Hole, which serves great food. The cafe is called "Bunnery". We stopped for a little snack, but everything was so good and we even ordered desert.

もう一つのオススメは、ジャクソンホールのキュートなカフェ、"Bunnery" 本当はちょっとしたスナックで寄ったのですが、あまりの美味しさにデザートまで注文してしまった私たちです。

Grand Teton and Jackson Hole

On Day 3, we were mainly at the Grand Teton National Park. The mountains were so beautiful. We stopped at many look-out points (and girls were excited to get out of the car.)


We did a little hike up on top of Signal mountain. The hike was nice and short (that's about all we can do since we're dragging 2 little ones...) We could see the lake and the mountain from high and the view was so pretty.
We found pretty flowers along the way and girls were so happy!


On the way back, we stopped at Jackson Hole and had a little fun window shopping. It was such a cute town and we loved looking around along the street.


Of course we had to take a little silly picture at Jackson Hole. Ellie was having too much fun being a princess (as you can tell by her wearing bunch of stuff.)


It was such a fun family trip and we all loved it!
