Ellie and Julia was totally waiting for the Christmas because Santa was supposed to come and leave a gift for them. On Christmas Eve night, they sprinkled reindeer food in front of the front door so Santa won't miss them. They also made sure that cookie and milk are on the dining table.
The Christmas morning, Ellie and Julia found a big gift right by the tree!

Ellie got what she asked for, a trumpet. She was so happy when she found it. Julia got a toy stroller, which is her favorite.

They got bunch of other presents from everyone. It seems that jobs were well divided. Ellie to open all the gifts, and Julia to play with the gifts that Ellie brought out from the wrapper.

One of Ellie's favorite is princess set that she got from Uncle Ken. She put them on right away and became a princess from top to bottom.
なかでもエリが一番気に入ったプレゼントはUncle Kenからのプリンセスセット。「今すぐ着る!」と駄々をこね、グランマ手作りのいただいたパジャマの上からプリンセスにに変身!ネックレス、イヤリング、ティアラ、全て装着し、本物のプリンセス気分満喫です。

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