Baba is such a good cook and I figured she would make better food than me if I were to do Japanese cuisine. So, I decided to do something that they never had, which happened to be Mexican food. I made Cafe Rio style Pork Barbacoa. (This recipe is from my friend Shelley. Thank you Shelley!!) I think it was a success because Jiji and Baba never had Mexican so they have never seen any of what we had on our dinner table. They enjoyed and so did we. It was a fun dinner together.
さて、問題はお食事メニュー。ばぁばはお料理上手で、いつもお食事に招かれ、圧倒される美味しい料理をいただきます。たとえ端午の節句とはいえ、日本食だとばぁばより美味しく作るのは至難の業。なので、端午の節句斬新メニュー、メキシコ料理を振舞うことにしました。お友達のShelleyからカフェ リオのレシピをいただいたので、ポークバルバコアとライムライスを用意。もちろんサルサやワカモレもお手製です。ばぁば達はメキシコ料理は初めてだった様子で、もの珍しいお料理をエンジョイしていただきました。ひかは、トルティア4枚食べてたし…。なにはともあれ、みんなで楽しく食事が出来たので、大満足です。(楽しすぎで写真とるの忘れました…失敗。)
After dinner, we had Kashiwa-mochi, which is a traditional Children's Day sweets. Baba brought them for us from shibamata Takagiya, one of the famous sweets store in Shibamata.
Even though Noah could not eat the same food with us, he was quite happy having guests over for his celebration. He was quite happy with Jiji.
And this is Noah's Samurai Helmet. Daddy selected one for him. We also got koinobori (carp) for him as well.
By the way, this is the Koinobori that Ellie(left) and Julia(right) made. Ellie cut paper and glued in. Julia's is mainly glue work and crayon work.
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