**If you are interested in our trip, I suggest to read from Part I. I followed the exact dates and ended up being backwards.
From Shirakawago, we went further south. Gujo Hachiman. First we went to the castle.
翌日、白川郷から南下、郡上八幡を訪れました。ここも歴史ある古い町並みがあり、素敵な町でした。まずは、やはり岡の上にそびえる郡上八幡城天守閣に。These were the people who lived in this castle back in Edo era. This is how tall they were. Mike stood right next to them. He is quite a bit bigger when compared to them.
こちらが、当時の城主の等身大です。やはりマイケルと比較すると、格段の差が…。Gujo Hachiman is famous on plastic foods. It seems that food sample was originated in Gujo Hachiman. The idea came from candle wax dropping into water.
We decided to try out plastic food making. The place we went is called "Sample Village Iwasaki." Girls certainly had a fun time there.
郡上八幡で有名どころは、食品サンプル。郡上八幡は食品サンプルの発祥の地なんだそうです。というわけで、食品サンプル工房で、体験サンプル作りをすることしました。最初は町のど真ん中の「さんぷる工房」さんに行こうと思ったのですが、幼稚園以下の子供の体験はできないとのことで、急遽変更。「サンプルビレッジいわさき」さんにお邪魔しました。We made reservation on that day, so we only got to do Tempura and candles. If you make a reservation a day before, you can make different items.
First we made candles. Ellie was trying to do yellow and pink layered candle.
まずは、ろうそくを作りから。エリは黄色とピンクの2色キャンドルをつくろうと必死。星型のきれいなキャンドルが出来ました。Then, we made Tempura's. There were several items to pick from. We decided to do shrimp, sweet potato, and green pepper.
Basically, the vegetables were all ready. All we need to do is put Tempura yellow part around veggies. We drop yellow liquid into water and it start forming Tempura skins. It was quite amazing to actually try it.
次に天ぷらです。既に用意されているお野菜からいくつかを選びます。私達は、えび、ピーマン、さつまいもの3種類を作りました。黄色の蝋を水に落としててんぷらの衣をつくります。「実際、食品サンプルの発明のきっかけも、ろうそくの蝋が水におちたところからひらめいたそうよ。」と、体験を担当してくれた方が教えてくださいました。This is what we made! Not perfect, but pretty good. Looks like Tempura's, aren't they?
こちらが完成品です!てんぷらっぽいでしょ?ちなみに、体験のときにお土産でいただいた枝豆のサンプル携帯ストラップ、ジュリアはずーっと本物だと思っていて、かじっても豆が出てこないので、ひたすら「あーきーてー!」とお願いしていました。Daddy made a lettus. This was a little more difficult than Tempura's, but he did a good job. He mixed green and white wax together and start sliding down in water. That is how you get thin leaves.
I was really happy about this place. It was a factory and they are actually shipping food samples to various places in Japan (and maybe abroad.) It wasn't touristy and we actually got to see a lot of things.
Another thing I liked about this place is that they were selling outlet plastic foods for really low price. Definitely lower price than Kappabashi. (I think they ship to Kappabashi too.) There were huge section selling outlet plastic food for discounted price. I guess they were defects and could not be shipped, but I could never tell what were wrong with them. Regardless to say, I picked up several food samples there for really good price.
From Gujo Hachiman, we drove to Gero Onsen. Gero Onsen is one of Japan's Three Famous Springs. We stayed at Onsen Ryokan (hotel), Sasara. The price was a little higher, but it was an absolutely wonderful evening! The hotel (Ryokan) was nice, and our room was gorgeous. We had a private Onsen attached to our room and we all had a wonderful, relaxed, and fun evening.
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