Ellie and Julia's school had a Christmas party. Each class was doing a little presentation on the stage.
Julia's class presentation was Tarzan singing and dancing. (Kids pick what they want to do, so most presentations end up being nothing to do with Christmas.) Julia got up on the stage smiling. But as soon as music started, she was frozen and stared at people (and did nothing...) She was of course happy and singing AFTER the presentation...

Ellie's class all became Japanese little boy and sang "Kitakaze Kozo no Kantaro." (Sorry, don't know how to translate.) But two kids from her class started screaming cry and Ellie decided to join them. By the way, she fell and hurt her nose the day before, and the scar on her nose is coming from that...

At the end of the party, we had Santa's visit. This Santa happens to be Mike every year. He gets asked by the school to do Santa for them. Older kids were asking questions to Santa and he was trying hard to answer all the questions in Japanese and English.

Santa even got a question from the mayer of Shibuya ward.

At the end of the party, we had picture opportunity with Santa. But Julia was not too appreciateive about the picture with Santa. She was scared of Santa. Santa even tried to reveal his identity, but no luck. She just did not like that picture moment.

Ellie was fine with Santa this year. Last year, she was just like Julia crying and did not want to do anything with Santa. I guess she has grown. Nice but kinda sad...

Santa and Grandma (and crying Noah)