It took more than we thought it would, but we finally got to Logan, Utah.
And Halloween!! Girls were so excited about it because they get to go out trick or treating with their cousins!
Girls decorated the pumpkins that they got at the pumpkin patch.
サンディエゴのパンプキンパッチでゲットしたパンプキンを、エリとジュリアで綺麗にデコレーションしました。なかなかの出来です。This year, Ellie was a snowflake fairy. She had tiara, wing, wand and everything, and she was so excited to be a snowflake fairy. Julia was a butterfly. She was excited because she gets to be just like what her older sister was. I'm not sure how long this will work though.
今年のエリは、雪の妖精です。ティアラ、はね、ワンドと、全て雪の妖精で揃え、エリは大興奮です!!ジュリアは、ちょうちょ。エリのお下がりですが、エリが着ていたものをジュリアも着ることができるとあり、こちらも大興奮。(ま、この興奮があと何年続くかは疑問です。そのうちお下がりが嫌になる年齢が来るのでしょう…。)And Noah was a pumpkin. It was a little girlish costume, but he was so cute in it. I think this will be a blackmail picture later on.
そしてノアは、パンプキン。ちょっと女の子っぽいコスチュームですが、ま、文句を言わない年齢なので良しとしましょう。They went trick-or-treating around neighborhoods. This is Ellie and Julia's first time experiencing Halloween in US. They had so much fun!
みんなでドレスアップし、ご近所をまわり、「Trick Or Treat!」エリ、ジュリアの初めてのアメリカでのハロウィン、めちゃめちゃ楽しんでおりました。
Here're moments with favorite cousins and aunties.
Oct 31, 2009
Oct 29, 2009
US Trip: Visiting Gramie
On the way from San Diego to Utah, we stopped in Southern Utah to see Gramie. We stayed one night at Cider City, and there was SNOW!! It was freezing COLD!
楽しかったサンディエゴを後にし、グランマ、グランパの待つユタへ向かう途中、南ユタで一休み。Ceder Cityで一泊したのですが、なんと、雪が!!気候が温暖なサンディエゴで2週間滞在して、半そでで過ごしていた私たちにとっては、とてつもないギャップです。
Gramie looked great. We were so happy to see her. Kids were a little out of control at the place, but I hope everything was ok. We certainly enjoyed visiting Gramie.
楽しかったサンディエゴを後にし、グランマ、グランパの待つユタへ向かう途中、南ユタで一休み。Ceder Cityで一泊したのですが、なんと、雪が!!気候が温暖なサンディエゴで2週間滞在して、半そでで過ごしていた私たちにとっては、とてつもないギャップです。
Gramie looked great. We were so happy to see her. Kids were a little out of control at the place, but I hope everything was ok. We certainly enjoyed visiting Gramie.
Oct 27, 2009
US Trip: Trunk Or Treating
Another great part about being in San Diego was to hang out with Skousons! They used to live in Tokyo and we had so much fun together. Now they moved to San Diego and we got to see them again!
Memri was so nice to us and watched kids several times while we were there. Thank you Memri!!
On the very last evening before we were off to Utah, we got to attend the church activity right by Skousan's home. It was "Trunk Or Treating." Kids wore costumes and went around car to car to get candies.
サンディエゴ最後の夜、スカウザン家の近くで行われたアクティビティー、「トランク・オア・トリーティング」に参加することができました。いわゆるハロウィンのアクティビティーで、車のトランクをハロウィン仕様に飾り付け、ご近所を回る替わりに車を一台一台回るというもの。もちろん子供たちはコスチュームを着ての参加です。Ellie's costume this year was supposed to be Snowflake Fairy, but her costume was delivered to Utah since we planned to be in Utah for Halloween. So, everyone had to wear last year's costumes.
So, Ellie is a butterfly, Julia was a pumpkin, and Noah being a black kitty.
Here's Noah the black kitty. I think he had the funnest time with the Skousons.
Memri was so nice to us and watched kids several times while we were there. Thank you Memri!!
On the very last evening before we were off to Utah, we got to attend the church activity right by Skousan's home. It was "Trunk Or Treating." Kids wore costumes and went around car to car to get candies.
サンディエゴ最後の夜、スカウザン家の近くで行われたアクティビティー、「トランク・オア・トリーティング」に参加することができました。いわゆるハロウィンのアクティビティーで、車のトランクをハロウィン仕様に飾り付け、ご近所を回る替わりに車を一台一台回るというもの。もちろん子供たちはコスチュームを着ての参加です。Ellie's costume this year was supposed to be Snowflake Fairy, but her costume was delivered to Utah since we planned to be in Utah for Halloween. So, everyone had to wear last year's costumes.
So, Ellie is a butterfly, Julia was a pumpkin, and Noah being a black kitty.
Here's Noah the black kitty. I think he had the funnest time with the Skousons.
US Trip: Pumpkin Patch
Pumpkin Patch at Bates Nut Farm. There were pony ride, hay ride, maze, etc. Girls had so much fun.
ベイツナッツファームのパンプキンパッチに、行ってきました。ポニーライド、ヘイライド、迷路と、数々のアクティビティーぞろいで、エリ、ジュリアは大興奮でした。Ellie and Julia LOVED their pony rides.
エリ、ジュリアとも、ポニーに乗り、テンション最高潮!Noah LOVED his hay ride.
ノアは、ヘイライドが大好きだったようです。Ellie and Julia picked their favorite pumpkins. They LOVED it!
ベイツナッツファームのパンプキンパッチに、行ってきました。ポニーライド、ヘイライド、迷路と、数々のアクティビティーぞろいで、エリ、ジュリアは大興奮でした。Ellie and Julia LOVED their pony rides.
エリ、ジュリアとも、ポニーに乗り、テンション最高潮!Noah LOVED his hay ride.
ノアは、ヘイライドが大好きだったようです。Ellie and Julia picked their favorite pumpkins. They LOVED it!
US Trip: SeaWorld and Lego Land
San Diego! World famous SeaWorld is there. We finally got Daddy back from his business conference, so Uncle Stan and Aunt Dorothy took us there. Girls had so much fun going with their cousin Taylor.
サンディエゴでの有名どころといえば、シーワールド。ダディのビジネスカンファレンスもようやく終了し、戻ってきてくれたので、みんなで出かけることに。兄家族が年間パスポート保有者だったため、連れて行ってくれることになり、家族全員お安くチケットを購入することができました。First we hit Shamu show. I was curious about the wet zone, Stan and Dorothy told me I'd better stay away, and I was SO glad I stayed away. I for sure did not want to be soaked down from top to bottom.
The show was awesome. Girls had a lot of fun watching Shamu doing bunch of tricks.
まずは、シャムーのショーを見学。数々のトリックに、エリとジュリアは釘付けでした。Then we had lunch at "Dine with Shamu." Food was great. What was really cool about it was that we got so close to Shamu. Shamu came right by us while we were eating.
その後、ランチをシャムーと共にいただくことができました。食事をしていたテーブルのすぐ横にシャムーが顔を出し、エリ、ジュリアは大興奮です。This is at the polar bear place. There was a wall of ice right where we were walking. Ellie goes, "It's sooo cold!!!"
白くま館です。通路の壁が、北極の氷でできており、エリ、ジュリアは、「冷たーい!!」We also got to take pictures with Sesami street characters. JuJu wasn't sure about getting too close to Elmo.
セサミ・ストリートのキャラクターと一緒に、写真撮影。どうもジュリアは、キャラクターに近づきすぎると未だに固まります。After SeaWorld, we went to Old Town San Diego to have dinner. We wanted Mexican, and Stan and Dorothy recommended Old Town Mexican Cafe. It was DELICIOUS!!! Ladies were cooking tortillas right in front of the restaurant and they were SOOOO GOOD!!!
シーワールドの後、サンディエゴのOld Townに出向き、メキシカンディナーをいただきました。兄夫婦のお勧めレストラン、Old Town Mexican Cafe。レストランのすぐ横で、女性数名が手作りトルティーヤ焼いているという、風情あふれるレストランです。この焼き立てのトルティーヤが、絶品なのです!是非一度ご賞味あれ。
At the restaurant, Daddy hired a balloon making guy for girls. Ellie got Shamu balloon and Julia got Elmo one. They were so happy. It was a very good entertainment for them since they were so board and out of control at the restaurant.
We also went to Legoland California. All the rides were towards little kids. There were several that Julia could not ride, but Ellie was able to ride almost everything. Girls had so much fun.
I was just fascinated by the statues made out of logos. It was amazing!!
何より驚いたのが、全てレゴでできているオブジェの数々。ニューヨークやラスベガス、インドやフランスなどの景色がミニチュアレゴで再現されていて、びっくりです。Noah was a happy boy all day too!
サンディエゴでの有名どころといえば、シーワールド。ダディのビジネスカンファレンスもようやく終了し、戻ってきてくれたので、みんなで出かけることに。兄家族が年間パスポート保有者だったため、連れて行ってくれることになり、家族全員お安くチケットを購入することができました。First we hit Shamu show. I was curious about the wet zone, Stan and Dorothy told me I'd better stay away, and I was SO glad I stayed away. I for sure did not want to be soaked down from top to bottom.
The show was awesome. Girls had a lot of fun watching Shamu doing bunch of tricks.
まずは、シャムーのショーを見学。数々のトリックに、エリとジュリアは釘付けでした。Then we had lunch at "Dine with Shamu." Food was great. What was really cool about it was that we got so close to Shamu. Shamu came right by us while we were eating.
その後、ランチをシャムーと共にいただくことができました。食事をしていたテーブルのすぐ横にシャムーが顔を出し、エリ、ジュリアは大興奮です。This is at the polar bear place. There was a wall of ice right where we were walking. Ellie goes, "It's sooo cold!!!"
白くま館です。通路の壁が、北極の氷でできており、エリ、ジュリアは、「冷たーい!!」We also got to take pictures with Sesami street characters. JuJu wasn't sure about getting too close to Elmo.
セサミ・ストリートのキャラクターと一緒に、写真撮影。どうもジュリアは、キャラクターに近づきすぎると未だに固まります。After SeaWorld, we went to Old Town San Diego to have dinner. We wanted Mexican, and Stan and Dorothy recommended Old Town Mexican Cafe. It was DELICIOUS!!! Ladies were cooking tortillas right in front of the restaurant and they were SOOOO GOOD!!!
シーワールドの後、サンディエゴのOld Townに出向き、メキシカンディナーをいただきました。兄夫婦のお勧めレストラン、Old Town Mexican Cafe。レストランのすぐ横で、女性数名が手作りトルティーヤ焼いているという、風情あふれるレストランです。この焼き立てのトルティーヤが、絶品なのです!是非一度ご賞味あれ。
At the restaurant, Daddy hired a balloon making guy for girls. Ellie got Shamu balloon and Julia got Elmo one. They were so happy. It was a very good entertainment for them since they were so board and out of control at the restaurant.
We also went to Legoland California. All the rides were towards little kids. There were several that Julia could not ride, but Ellie was able to ride almost everything. Girls had so much fun.
I was just fascinated by the statues made out of logos. It was amazing!!
何より驚いたのが、全てレゴでできているオブジェの数々。ニューヨークやラスベガス、インドやフランスなどの景色がミニチュアレゴで再現されていて、びっくりです。Noah was a happy boy all day too!
Oct 20, 2009
US Trip: California Disney
Since we were in Southern California, we figured we'd better go to Disneyland. So, we did. But I did something incredibly stupid. I took my 3 kids (3 yr, 2 yr, and 0 yr) without Dad... And I have to say, it was nothing but torture...
But Ellie and Julia enjoyed pretty good. As soon as we entered into the park, we got to see Playhouse Disney Live Show. That got them REALLY excited.
まずは、カリフォルニアディズニーに入ってみることにしました。もちろん、年上の子供たち用ライドも充実しているのですが、エリやジュリアぐらいの子供も十分遊べる、バグスライフランドや、プレイハウスディズニーのライブショーがあり、子供たちは大興奮でした。Also, they got a picture with Mr. Incredible and Minny. Julia was still not sure about these characters, but she didn't cry, so I'm assuming she is starting to get used to it. (last year she cried hard...)
ミスター・インクレディブル&ミニーと一緒に、記念撮影♪ジュリアは、なきはしませんでしたが、未だに着ぐるみ系は少々怖いようです。The best thing is that Yumiko, Haruka, and Gerard Jorgensen came and met us later, and it was so much fun after that! Kids had so much fun with Gerard and Haruka. They were trying to get as much rides as they could get on. Ellie didn't want to go home.
夕方、前に東京に住んでいたJorgensen家族が合流してくれ、救われました。(ホント、神の救いかと思いました!)ジェラとハルカが子供たちをたくさんのライドに連れて行ってくれて、子供たちは更に大興奮。(でも、ジュリアは体力の限界でしたが…。)エリは、「I don't want to go home!(おうちに帰りたくなーい!)」とまで宣言。よほど楽しかったのでしょう…。Overall, kids had fun. I was exhausted and had to crush into Jorgensen's home... Thank you SOOOO much, Jorgensens!
But Ellie and Julia enjoyed pretty good. As soon as we entered into the park, we got to see Playhouse Disney Live Show. That got them REALLY excited.
まずは、カリフォルニアディズニーに入ってみることにしました。もちろん、年上の子供たち用ライドも充実しているのですが、エリやジュリアぐらいの子供も十分遊べる、バグスライフランドや、プレイハウスディズニーのライブショーがあり、子供たちは大興奮でした。Also, they got a picture with Mr. Incredible and Minny. Julia was still not sure about these characters, but she didn't cry, so I'm assuming she is starting to get used to it. (last year she cried hard...)
ミスター・インクレディブル&ミニーと一緒に、記念撮影♪ジュリアは、なきはしませんでしたが、未だに着ぐるみ系は少々怖いようです。The best thing is that Yumiko, Haruka, and Gerard Jorgensen came and met us later, and it was so much fun after that! Kids had so much fun with Gerard and Haruka. They were trying to get as much rides as they could get on. Ellie didn't want to go home.
夕方、前に東京に住んでいたJorgensen家族が合流してくれ、救われました。(ホント、神の救いかと思いました!)ジェラとハルカが子供たちをたくさんのライドに連れて行ってくれて、子供たちは更に大興奮。(でも、ジュリアは体力の限界でしたが…。)エリは、「I don't want to go home!(おうちに帰りたくなーい!)」とまで宣言。よほど楽しかったのでしょう…。Overall, kids had fun. I was exhausted and had to crush into Jorgensen's home... Thank you SOOOO much, Jorgensens!
Oct 19, 2009
US Trip: San Diego
Mike had a business trip in San Diego. So, we all decided to tag along his business trip. His business conference was a week long, and he took his vacation right after, so we had 2 week long trip in US.
First we were in San Diego, then we drove up to Southern Utah to see Mike's grandma (kids great grandma), then we drove up to Logan, Utah.
This is how Julia and Noah were as soon as we arrived to the San Diego airport. They were so tired and didn't care how uncomfortable it was. They just wanted to sleep.
まず初日。サンディエゴ空港到着直後のジュリアとノアです。時差ぼけ+長旅で疲れたのでしょう。体勢おかまいなしで、熟睡状態です。This is Ellie, Julia, and their cousis Taylor. Mike's brother's family live in San Diego. So, we stayed at their house while we were there. Girls loved playing with their cousin Taylor.
サンディエゴには、マイケルの兄家族が住んでおり、滞在中お世話になりました。エリ、ジュリアといとこのテイラー。とても仲良く楽しそうに遊んでおりました。Big swimming pool at Taylor's house. Everyone had so much fun swimming!
テイラーの家には大きなプールがあり、楽しくプールで遊ばせていただきました。We went to Children's museum in downtown San Diego. It was so much fun for little kids. Ellie, Julia and Taylor were playing hard.
テイラーと、サンディエゴのダウンタウンにあるこどもミュージウムに行ってきました。小さな子供向けのアクティビティーが満載のミュージウムで、子供たちは時間を忘れて遊びふけっておりました。Even little kids like Noah had a lot of fun. It was a great place for kids.
First we were in San Diego, then we drove up to Southern Utah to see Mike's grandma (kids great grandma), then we drove up to Logan, Utah.
This is how Julia and Noah were as soon as we arrived to the San Diego airport. They were so tired and didn't care how uncomfortable it was. They just wanted to sleep.
まず初日。サンディエゴ空港到着直後のジュリアとノアです。時差ぼけ+長旅で疲れたのでしょう。体勢おかまいなしで、熟睡状態です。This is Ellie, Julia, and their cousis Taylor. Mike's brother's family live in San Diego. So, we stayed at their house while we were there. Girls loved playing with their cousin Taylor.
サンディエゴには、マイケルの兄家族が住んでおり、滞在中お世話になりました。エリ、ジュリアといとこのテイラー。とても仲良く楽しそうに遊んでおりました。Big swimming pool at Taylor's house. Everyone had so much fun swimming!
テイラーの家には大きなプールがあり、楽しくプールで遊ばせていただきました。We went to Children's museum in downtown San Diego. It was so much fun for little kids. Ellie, Julia and Taylor were playing hard.
テイラーと、サンディエゴのダウンタウンにあるこどもミュージウムに行ってきました。小さな子供向けのアクティビティーが満載のミュージウムで、子供たちは時間を忘れて遊びふけっておりました。Even little kids like Noah had a lot of fun. It was a great place for kids.
Oct 10, 2009
Camping at Lake Motosu
This year, we joined in the camping trip. We went to the campground right by Lake Motosu. It was right by Mr. Fuji and view around there was gorgeous!
今年は、お友達同士で毎年実施しているキャンプに参加させてもらうことにしました。場所は、本栖湖のほとり。富士山の美しい景色を体感できました。This is kids first time camping. Ellie and Julia were so excited about it.
We went on the hike around the lake as soon as we got there. I was skeptical on how kids would do on walking, but they did fairly good.
初日、着くと同時にハイキングに出かけました。ランチを持って、本栖湖のほとりをちょっとだけ歩いたのですが、富士山も綺麗だし、周りの景色も絶景。素晴しいハイキングをエンジョイできました。子供たちも、友達が一緒だと楽しさが倍増するようで、がんばって歩きました。This is just us around the fire. Julia decided to try and see what would happen to badminton rackets in the fire, and she got in trouble. Other than that, kids had so much fun with camp fire.
今年は、お友達同士で毎年実施しているキャンプに参加させてもらうことにしました。場所は、本栖湖のほとり。富士山の美しい景色を体感できました。This is kids first time camping. Ellie and Julia were so excited about it.
We went on the hike around the lake as soon as we got there. I was skeptical on how kids would do on walking, but they did fairly good.
初日、着くと同時にハイキングに出かけました。ランチを持って、本栖湖のほとりをちょっとだけ歩いたのですが、富士山も綺麗だし、周りの景色も絶景。素晴しいハイキングをエンジョイできました。子供たちも、友達が一緒だと楽しさが倍増するようで、がんばって歩きました。This is just us around the fire. Julia decided to try and see what would happen to badminton rackets in the fire, and she got in trouble. Other than that, kids had so much fun with camp fire.
Oct 3, 2009
Palette Undokai
Annual Palette Undokai (Ellie and Julia's school sports day).
This year, Ellie had several dances. First one was parachute dance by older kids. Ellie has a big smile. Just to note that she was not happy about 5 minutes before this...
今年はエリが、パラシュートの出し物で入場です。ぎりぎりまでご機嫌ナナメってたのですが、パラシュートを持った瞬間、ご機嫌がすっかり良くなりました。Noah joined in the little kids class race. This is his first time, but as you can see he was not happy at all.
ノアも、ちびっこクラスの徒競走に仲間入りさせていただきました。が…いざ、ふたを開けてみると、ごらんの有様でした…。He was so happy when the race was over...
徒競走が終わって、ホッとしているノア。来年はちゃんと走ってくれるのかしら…?As long as he was not on the race, he was a happy boy.
徒競走に参加していなければ、ハッピーなノアなのですがね…。Ellie and Julia ran pretty good. Julia won the race!
エリとジュリアは、しっかり徒競走を走りぬきました。去年の徒競走より、とってもたくましく成長している姿が見えました。ジュリアは一等賞でした!This is Ellie's class cheer dance. There were supposed to be 4 of them who should be in this dance, but 2 others did not want to be involved, so there were only 2 of them. And, the other boy was goofing around, so Ellie happened to be the only one actually dancing. Go Ellie!!
This year, Ellie had several dances. First one was parachute dance by older kids. Ellie has a big smile. Just to note that she was not happy about 5 minutes before this...
今年はエリが、パラシュートの出し物で入場です。ぎりぎりまでご機嫌ナナメってたのですが、パラシュートを持った瞬間、ご機嫌がすっかり良くなりました。Noah joined in the little kids class race. This is his first time, but as you can see he was not happy at all.
ノアも、ちびっこクラスの徒競走に仲間入りさせていただきました。が…いざ、ふたを開けてみると、ごらんの有様でした…。He was so happy when the race was over...
徒競走が終わって、ホッとしているノア。来年はちゃんと走ってくれるのかしら…?As long as he was not on the race, he was a happy boy.
徒競走に参加していなければ、ハッピーなノアなのですがね…。Ellie and Julia ran pretty good. Julia won the race!
エリとジュリアは、しっかり徒競走を走りぬきました。去年の徒競走より、とってもたくましく成長している姿が見えました。ジュリアは一等賞でした!This is Ellie's class cheer dance. There were supposed to be 4 of them who should be in this dance, but 2 others did not want to be involved, so there were only 2 of them. And, the other boy was goofing around, so Ellie happened to be the only one actually dancing. Go Ellie!!
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