San Diego! World famous SeaWorld is there. We finally got Daddy back from his business conference, so Uncle Stan and Aunt Dorothy took us there. Girls had so much fun going with their cousin Taylor.

First we hit Shamu show. I was curious about the wet zone, Stan and Dorothy told me I'd better stay away, and I was SO glad I stayed away. I for sure did not want to be soaked down from top to bottom.
The show was awesome. Girls had a lot of fun watching Shamu doing bunch of tricks.

Then we had lunch at "Dine with Shamu." Food was great. What was really cool about it was that we got so close to Shamu. Shamu came right by us while we were eating.

This is at the polar bear place. There was a wall of ice right where we were walking. Ellie goes, "It's sooo cold!!!"

We also got to take pictures with Sesami street characters. JuJu wasn't sure about getting too close to Elmo.

After SeaWorld, we went to Old Town San Diego to have dinner. We wanted Mexican, and Stan and Dorothy recommended
Old Town Mexican Cafe. It was DELICIOUS!!! Ladies were cooking tortillas right in front of the restaurant and they were SOOOO GOOD!!!
シーワールドの後、サンディエゴのOld Townに出向き、メキシカンディナーをいただきました。兄夫婦のお勧めレストラン、
Old Town Mexican Cafe。レストランのすぐ横で、女性数名が手作りトルティーヤ焼いているという、風情あふれるレストランです。この焼き立てのトルティーヤが、絶品なのです!是非一度ご賞味あれ。
At the restaurant, Daddy hired a balloon making guy for girls. Ellie got Shamu balloon and Julia got Elmo one. They were so happy. It was a very good entertainment for them since they were so board and out of control at the restaurant.

We also went to Legoland California. All the rides were towards little kids. There were several that Julia could not ride, but Ellie was able to ride almost everything. Girls had so much fun.
I was just fascinated by the statues made out of logos. It was amazing!!

Noah was a happy boy all day too!