Aug 31, 2008

BBQ party with Ellie's Hoikuen Friends

Ellie's Hoikuen friends came over to our house for BBQ party. The weather was a little suspicious, but we enjoyed being up on our deck. A couple of hours later, it started raining and we all came back down, but kids had a lot of fun out on the deck.



Ellie and China Dress

We got this China dress long time ago from someone (which we forgot... Sorry.) But when we got it, Ellie was too small and we stored it for a long time. I was going through the closet and found this dress the other day. I thought it may be perfect now. BUT... I guess it was a little too small for Ellie already. I just cannot believe how fast she is growing... Growing like a weed...
Although the dress was too small for her, she enjoyed wearing it. Later on the day, we dressed Julia in it for church.


Aug 30, 2008

Palette Natsu Matsuri

Summer fest at Palette Hoikuen (Ellie and Julia's school) It was supposed to be scheduled last month, but bunch of kids got mumps around that time and they delayed for a month. Unfortunately, weather did not corporate and we didn't get to see the kids carrying Mikoshi, but Ellie and Julia certainly had a lot of fun.



Ellie got 4 goldfish out of the fishing pool. (Actually she tried to get a fish, but she broke her net right away and could not catch any. 4 fish were actually given to her instead...)


Daddy also had a fun time with the game.

Aug 23, 2008

Daddy Daughter Day - Odaiba Outing

Mommy got a employee/family sale ticket from her work and decided to go big clothing shpping at Odaiba. Unfortunately, kids were not allowed, so girls had a little outing with Daddy in Odaiba. (Sorry, but I got you guys bunch of clothes, so it is ok, right???) Daddy happened to ran into the camera shop and they were doing free rental promotion campaign for the new released camera, so Daddy rented one and took bunch of pictures.


Ellie broke her favorite headband a couple of days ago, so she got a new one and she is so happy playing around.


Ellie and Julia played hard on the deck of the shopping mall. Daddy had too much fun with the camera that he rented for free. (He took over 100 pictures...) They all had a fun time!


After Mommy got back from her shopping, we all walked around and had a fun time. It was a nice family outing day.


Aug 19, 2008

Ellie, Juila and their Friend

We went to visit Ellie's friend, Kana-chan, who just moved from our neighborhood to a new location. Kana-chan's new place was so nice and cute. Ellie and Julia loved playing with Kana-chan.


We went to the nearby park. The park was owned by the city and had animals. It was a hot day but girls had a lot of fun at the park.


Aug 16, 2008

The Diva and her sister

Ellie got her new glasses and she loves them! 
We had one set of sunglasses that we bought when Ellie was little, and she has been using them. But since Julia's arrival, one set of glasses usually causes a big fight. So, when we went shopping this afternoon, we got a new set for Ellie. We took her in front of the glasses section and this is what she picked... (Mommy objected because it looked too ugly, but Ellie did not listen.)


She has to wear them everywhere no matter what she doing. She even took a nap with the glasses... Daddy calls her a Diva.


Julia was happy with her Diva sister.

Pool Activity on the Deck

Another lazy Saturday morning. We setup the kiddy pool on the deck and girls had fun. At first Julia did not like the pool, but she got used to it and had fun with her sister. Once they start playing, they play hard and don't want to stop...


Aug 13, 2008

Ellie's First Official Haircut

As most of you know, Ellie came out bald and did not have hair for a long time. She had turned 2 and half and finally started getting decent amount of hair. But, her baby hair was still there and was causing her hair to tangle. So, we decided to have her first official haircut today.


Mommy's old friend is a hair stylist and Ellie went to her place with Mommy for her hair cut. She did an excellent job and Ellie's hair is now quite short and no tangle. No ouch washing hair!! Ellie was excited to be in a hair salon chair all by herself.


Julia of course wanted to be part of this hair cut event, but unfortunate to say, she has no hair. She just sat on the salon chair and cheered for Ellie.


Aug 9, 2008

Ellie's Play Day

We had little sicky going around in our family this week. First Ellie got sick, then Daddy and towards the end of the week, Julia got one.


Today was Saturday and JuJu was sick at home. Ellie was so board being at the house, so Daddy took her out to Nishi Shunjuku Kodomo Kan. Ellie had a fun time there with Daddy running around, playing with the toys, etc.


On the way back, Ellie stopped at the park to play with the slide.


Aug 7, 2008

Found Ellie in Hoikuen Web Site...

I knew people had been talking about Ellie and her friend, Shu-kun, on Hoikuen website. So I checked it out and here it is. They were on the cover page!


Wow... I guess I need to check the site more often...


Julia finally being a model?!

Finally a catalog with Julia in it! This is the first and the only model job that Julia has gotten. (She has not been picked at the auditions while Ellie gets ton of jobs...) I figured this might be the only time for Julia and I HAD TO put in the link!


Here's Julia being Santa and being a panda.

今回着ぐるみです。サンタさんジュリア と、 パンダジュリアです。

Aug 3, 2008

Sisterly Love

I feel like Ellie and Julia are fighting over toys all the time, but I should admit that they do play together, share toys, and show love to each other. It sure does not happen too often. So, this is one of the rare case that we happened to have a picture of their sisterly love.
