Sep 25, 2007

JuJu in the hospital

Poor JuJu was in the hospital for awhile. She had a seizure in the middle of the night and was admitted to the hospital right away. Her seizure was long and doctors were afraid of her brain damage. So, JuJu got her brain activities checked. Fortunately, there was no damage. She stayed there for 2 weeks and came home healthy!

Sep 14, 2007

Outing to Tokyo Amusement Machine Show

We got a free ticket to Tokyo Amusement Machine Show, so all of us went on the family day. Ellie was fascinated with the coin arcade game and sat there and played forever. Then, Mommy got her on the little children carousel, but she is so not sure if she liked it (as you can tell by her face.)

Sep 8, 2007

Family lunch at J's GARDEN

We went to J's GARDEN for lunch. We really like this place because food is tasty and they are kids friendly. They even have a parking on the basement! They serve nice Italian.
J's GARDENにランチに行きました。このレストランは、ファミレスと一言で片付けるのはかなり失礼なほどお洒落な雰囲気で、おいしいイタリアンをいただくことができます。もちろん子供大歓迎で、駐車場も完備なので、ストウカー家御用達です。うちは車ですぐの池尻にいきますが、ほかにもお店はあるようです。
Ellie loves spaghetti. Noodle is hanging from her mouth (as you can see on the picture.) She sloops so quick so sometimes it whips her chin. Can you tell how fun it is to clean after she is done???
And this is with Daddy!!

Sep 2, 2007

JuJu tubby time

Ellie had too many picture of her bathing, so we figured we need JuJu's tubby picutre too. She likes bath and she is happy when Daddy washes her up. She does not like water in her face though.