Dec 13, 2010

Gingerbread Houses

Girls had fun making gingerbread houses. I baked enough cookies to make 2 houses, one for Ellie and one for JuJu.


Ellie was able to do almost all by herself. Mommy helped a little bit on icing glue, but decoration is all her idea.


This is Ellie's work. She brought her gingerbread house to her school. Everyone liked it!


On the other hand, JuJu needed a lot of help. So Daddy helped quite a bit. Now, Daddy's sense of decoration is quite interesting. That is the reason why her house got this busy.


Dec 4, 2010

ASIJ Winter Festa

We went to Winter Festa at ASIJ. (I hope I'm spelling it right...)


Ellie, Julia, and Noah were having too much fun at kids game corner.

After we had lunch, girls went to get their nails done.


Lastly, we went to take a picture with Santa Clause. But when it gets close to our turn, we noticed that JuJu was not with us. We were looking around thinking she was playing somewhere. Heck, NO!! JuJu was toooo scared of Santa that she decided to hide around the corner. When we found her, she had a big "I'm scared" face on and sitting down with tears in her eyes...



We took a picture anyway. You can see the face of Julia being afraid with tears.


Dec 3, 2010

Christmas Light in Shinjuku

I love looking at the Christmas Lights in Shinjuku Takashimaya Times Square. They have different lighting every year, but it is always so beautiful no matter how they do it.

Kids LOVE it too.

子供たちも、綺麗なイルミネーションの中、はしゃぎまくりです…。Christmas art works were there too. Kids loved Tokyo Tower and bunch of Santa together.


Nov 18, 2010

Julia's Shichi-Go-San (Coming of Age 7-5-3) Celebration

Julia is 3 years old now and she had a Shichi-Go-San Coming of Age celebration. Shichi-Go-San is a traditional rite of passage and festival day in Japan for three and seven year-old girls and three and five year-old boys. It is traditionally held annually on November 15, but most of the people in these days target around this day. So, November is a pretty busy month for Japanese Shrines.


First, we went to shrine with our family in Chiba and Jiji and Baba celebrated together with us. Julia was dressed in Kimono and was looking pretty.

Here's Jiji and Julia. Later on, Baba and Auntie Naomi joined together.

Family shot.

Also, we had a fun Shichi-Go-San shrine visit at Meiji Shrine with friends. We had bunch of kids who are right on Shichi-Go-San age, so we decided to do it all together.


It was Stocker family with Julia (3), Bezzant family with Bella (also 3) and Cannon family with Anthon (5) all together at Meiji Shrine. They were soooo cute dressed up together!!!


What was so funny was that while we were there we got our picture taken by bunch of random people. Especially our kids dressed up in Kimono. I think it was more on Anthon and Bella than Julia since they were full Gaijin (foreign) face. Bunch of random Japanese people were just taking pictures of our kids. I felt like we were some super model or something. It never happens when I'm alone since I'm Japanese. I kinda wished my kids were full Gaijin. Too bad they have my side of blood.



Look at these three! They are soooo cute!!!

We'll put up everyone's picture later.


Nov 6, 2010

Noah is 2!!

Happy Happy Birthday, my little sweet Noah!

I just cannot believe my little boy is already 2 years old! I guess time flies.


A couple of days before his birthday, he got his hair cut and was looking like a man on his birthday! On his haircut before, he did not sit still and we had a tough time. Daddy had to tie him up to get his haircut. Of course he had a screaming cry and it was pretty horrible. But this time, iPhone worked great.

He is looking great, isn't he?

Grandma, Grandpa, cousins, and beautiful aunties sent his a fun birthday card and he was LOVING it!

And, this is his birthday cake! He LOVES cars, so I made a race track cake with toy cars on top. (race cars are real toys and it actually runs.)

But it seemed that Noah was more interested in toy cars than the actual cake...

And his present was a toy race car track with cars that were on top of the cake. He LOVED it and played over and over. The only issue he had is that his sisters were dominantly playing and he didn't get to play the way he wanted. I kept telling the girls that it is Noah's, but of course they obey Mom for only 3 seconds and take over the toys right away...


Oct 30, 2010

Halloween 2010

Halloween Party!


Typhoon screwed up our Halloween a lot this year. We were going to have neighborhood Halloween trick or treating, but it was canceled because of the rain. We were also supposed to have a Trunk-Or-Treating, but the plan got chanced. Instead of Truck-Or-Treating, we had a party inside of the building.


This year, Ellie was a snowflake princess. Julia being a butterfly, then Noah was a 102th dalmatian. Noah was a little cute puppy!

Ellie's school friend came to the party too!

They got so many candies. They had a lot of fun!


Instead of decorating our car trunk, we had a door to decorate. So, this is our door!


Oct 23, 2010

Palette Undokai

Palette Undokai (Sports Fest). This year, everyone was able to participate except for Daddy! He was gone for Singapore!!! So, Mommy had to do all the parent/child race...

This is Ellie and Mommy throuing balls in a basket.

This is Noah's treasure hunt. Noah was supposed to find a treasure from ball pool, but he was too interested in balls and didn't care about his treasure...

This is Ellie's dance. She did a great job!

Even though Daddy was not there, kids had a fun time.


Sep 26, 2010

Ellie's School Undokai (Sports Fest)

Ellie's school Undokai (Sports Fest). It was such a gorgeous day!


Ellie ran race, relay, and danced very well. She had a lot of fun!

There was a fun race for Noah and Julia. They also had a fun time there too.


Sep 22, 2010

Neighborhood Matsuri

Our neighborhood Matsuri, Hatsudai Awa Odori Matsuri!

This year, we decided to be part of Matsuri dancers. Kids went to practice sessions and learned how to Matsuri dance properly. Mike also decided to be part of the dancers. (I decided to just watch these people and maybe I'll join in next year.) They all had a matching costume to dance.

Our wonderful friend, Bezzant family joined us for Matsuri dance. Makayla, Sabrina, and Matthew were great Matsuri dancers!

We had such a fun time at Matsuri!


Unfortunately the 2nd day was pouring rain and we were not able to dance. But we had a great picture taken and were able to receive a calendar for next year! It was so much fun and we are definitely planning on doing it next year!


Sep 10, 2010

School Field Trip - Nashi Picking

Ellie had a school field trip and she went to pick Nashi (Asian pear).

For those of you who had never tasted Asian pears (I guess the official name is Pyrus pyrifolia), you guys are missing out!! They come around this season and are so juicy and taste soooo good. You could get them in US, but definitely not as good as the ones in Asia.

Ellie went to the Nashi field and picked the fresh one. They were soooooo good! (I was a helper for teachers and went along. So I took advantage of it and bought a bunch there.)

After Nashi picking, they went to the park for lunch and played. Ellie had a lot of fun with her friends.
