Jan 31, 2009

Primary O-Shogatsu Activity

We have O-shogatsu primary activity. Of course a little too late for O-Shogatsu since it is way passed New Year, but still the same month and we did it anyway.


Kids were wearing something Japanese, Kimono, Judo uniform, etc. So, primary presidency dressed up in Kimono's too. We had bunch of Japanese traditional games such as Origami, Hanetsuki, Sumo tournament, etc. I think kids had a lot of fun.

Ellie and Julia dressed up in Kimono that our friend gave us for free. The fabric was a little too bright and old, but I guess it was okay. This is Julia being sick of wearing Kimono.

And we had mock Japanese treat at the end. This is Sushi made out of Rice Krispy treat. Sushi is made by Jill and cupcakes are by Jennifer. I thought these were such a clever idea.


Jan 29, 2009

Quick Trip to Utah

We made a quick trip to Utah. It was for Mike and Noah, but girls had a lot of fun with their cousins and aunties.


First of all, girls were too excited about snow! Ellie was so ready to play in the snow. Julia liked her hat.

Girls had too much fun in the snow. We don't have any in Tokyo, so they were just too happy.

This is Ellie's snow angel. She saw her favorite princess, Belle, making snow angel in the movie and she wanted to be the same.

エリちゃんは、スノーエンジェル作りです。エリの大好きな「美女と野獣」のベルが映画の中でスノーエンジェルを作っているのを見て、「ベルと同じ~!」と大はしゃぎでした。Playing in the snow is a little too much for Noah. He liked being inside with Grandma better than being out in the snow.


Mike and his sisters. Cute together.

It was such a short trip, but we did get to see our best and greatest friends in Utah.


We got to see Papenfuss family and Hough family. They used to live in Tokyo nearby our house. It was so good to see them again.

Right before we left, we got to stay with the Riches, one of our best friends ever. Our girls had too much fun with their girls. Adults had a fun time talking. It was sooo good to see them again! We love you guys!



Jan 10, 2009

Ellie's Birthday Party

Ellie just turned 3 and wanted to have a birthday party. Since we have little Noah, we just something easy and invited some of Ellie's school friends.


Ellie informed us that she wanted a "Princess" birthday party. Ellie would have to be a princess and here she is. She was cool with her favorite Elmo balloon... Daddy made a birthday hat. She was so happy when she was all dressed up for her party!

バースデーパーティーのテーマは「プリンセス」、というわけで、エリちゃんはプリンセスドレスでの登場です。(寒かったので普通の洋服の上から着ました…。)ところがバースデーバルーンは、なぜかエルモ…。バースデーハットは、ダディーが作ってくれました。One of Ellie's friends, Lin-chan, got a fever and could not come, but Shu-kun and Kana-chan came and we had a lot of fun. Kana-chan's little brother Yuta-kun also came and Noah had a little friend too. (They just hung out)

エリは、とっても仲良しのお友達と一緒で、楽しいひと時を過ごしたようです。紙コップでのクラフトに取り組む子供達。ジュリアもなんとなく頑張ってクラフトしました。Mommy made a princess birthday cake. She wanted Belle cake from "Beauty and the Beast." The Belle figure in the cake was Ellie's birthday present!

プリンセスのバースデーケーキ、作りました。(正直大変でした…)エリから、ディズニー映画「美女と野獣」のベルのケーキがいい、とのリクエストがあり、黄色いドレスのプリンセスベルのケーキです。もちろん中のベルのお人形は、エリのバースデープレゼントの一部です。Ellie got birthday presents from her friends. Kana-chan's gift was beautiful yellow flowers. She knew Ellie's favorite color. They were so cute together. Shu-kun was the only boy and Ellie and Kana-chan each gave him a little kiss. So cute!


Jan 6, 2009

Ellie is 3!

Ellie turned 3! Her birthday party is on Saturday, but we did a little birthday celebration just with the family.


We got a small cake from our neighborhood cake shop. Ellie was so excited to have her own cake.

ご近所のケーキ屋さんで小さなケーキを購入。エリは自分の名前入りケーキに大興奮。ろうそくをつけ、上手に全て火を消すことができました♪Julia helped Ellie to blow the candles from far. I'm not sure if that even helped though.
