Nov 26, 2009


Thanksgiving this year, we invited Ellie's school friends to our house for dinner. They were Japanese and they didn't know what Thanksgiving is all about, so it was fun introducing our tradition.


This year, Haruyo got 17lb turkey for her birthday gift! (Thanks, Jennifer!!!) We cooked it with the recipe "Perfect Turkey" from Martha and it turned out pretty good. Our guests had never seen turkey that big, so they were so thrilled.

今年は、お友達のジェニファーから、お誕生日プレゼントに、と9kgの七面鳥をいただき(ありがとう!)、今回はマーサ・スチュワートのレシピを使ってローストしてみました。手間はかかりましたが、なかなか上手に焼け、大満足です。This is the whole table with other dishes. We certainly enjoyed our meal and had a great time with our friendship. We are thankful for all we have!


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