May 10, 2009

Golden Week Family Trip (Part IV)

**If you are interested in our trip, I suggest to read from Part I. I followed the exact dates and ended up being backwards.

From Gero Onsen, we moved north to Takayama. This is another historical castle town in Japan. We first visited Takayama Jinya, Historical Government House.

下呂温泉から北上。高山市内にたどり着きました。まずは高山陣屋へ。入り口でガイドをお願いし、ガイドさんと一緒に中へ。We were going to get an English tour guide, but the guide was taking the day off, so we got a Japanese tour guide. He explained in great detail every room of the house. Everything was amazing! But the house was huge and girls were having too much fun running around...

ガイドの方が、全てのお部屋を丁寧に説明くださいました。が、屋敷の中は広く、エリ、ジュリアはここぞとばかりはしゃぎまわり…。ご迷惑きわまりないです…。We had Hida beef for lunch. Since we are in Hida Takayama area, we had to taste Hida traditional cuisine, so this is what we got. Hida beef grilled on magnolia leaf. Hida Miso (soy bean) paste adds the flavor and it was delicious!

せっかく高山にいるのですから、ご当地名物をいただきましょう、というわけで、お昼は、飛騨牛朴葉焼きをいただきました。飛騨味噌のお味がお肉を引き立たせ、美味しかった~♪Then, we went to Sanmachi area. Japanese old houses are lined up on the street and was beautiful.

その後、さんまちエリアを散策。古い町並みが、なんともステキです。We stayed in the Ryokan in Okuhida Onsen, Nakao-Daira. In this place, they had 6 rooms and 6 Onsens, meaning we all had private Onsen guaranteed. 2 of Onsens were outside. After dinner (and dinner was wonderful too) we went out to one of the outside Onsens. It was gorgeous! We felt like the Onsen was right in the middle of forest. We could see stars clearly in the sky. It was so much fun!!


There was a Bear Park in Okuhida. So, we decided to visit for our final destination on our trip. At the entrance, wood bears welcomes us and girls were so excited.

奥飛騨に、クマ牧場があったので、通り道だったこともあり、翌日早々立ち寄ることにしました。入り口に木製クマさんがお出迎えをしてくれ、エリ、ジュリアは大興奮!Inside of the park, girls got to hold a baby cub. The baby was only 2 months old and was so cute! (Just FYI, they put a band on baby cub's mouth so we don't get attacked.) Girls pet the cub for the first time and they loved it!

We were so sad when we hit the last day of our trip. We had so much fun during this trip! We LOVE Kanazawa and Hida Takayama. We want to go there again!

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