May 31, 2009

One Sunday

Since our church was in the afternoons, the girls were usually looking for something in the morning. So, this is their activity one Sunday. They played with play dough.


This is Ellie's masterpieces. She made Mommy and Daddy's faces. She did pretty good. Colors were a little exotic, but she got most of the face parts, such as eyes, hair, nose, and mouth forming smiley. This is Daddy.

こちらがエリの作品です。ダディとマミーの顔を、作ってくれました。色はともかく、目、鼻、口、髪の毛、と、顔のパーツは程々に取り入れてあり、親バカながらよく出来てると思っちゃいました。こちらがダディです。This is Mommy. Notice that she made Daddy with short hair, but Mommy has long hair and eye lashes. I thought she did quite good.


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