Aug 5, 2009

Visiting Old Friends

My friend from elementary school, Mariko, just had a baby last month and Akiyo (another elementary school friend) and I went to visit her.


当初の予定では、マミーとノアだけで伺う予定だったのですが、エリがどうしても「赤ちゃんが見たい!」と言うので、「いい子にしているんだよ。」とお約束して、連れて行きました。まぁ、3人連れて行くよりはマシかしら、との判断です。Her little baby boy was born really small. He is one month right now and he is still only 8lb. Noah, born as a 9lb baby, was never that small from the beginning...


It was fun to get together with my old friends. Noah and Akiyo's baby were close age and they were cute playing together. Ellie was the only oldest, but she seemed to have a fun time there too. We will play together again!



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