Sep 22, 2009

Hatsudai Awaodori Festival

It was too bad that Annual Hatsudai (our neighborhood) Awaodori Festival happened to be on the same day with Ellie's ballet recital. We only got to join in the first day only.


This year was special for our girls because it was their first year that they were actually involved. Ellie and Julia had a special Matsuri (festival) costumes. They have been going to the Awaodori dance practices for awhile too.


Ellie liked her costumes and danced really well.

エリは、お着物が気に入った様子。張り切って踊っておりました。But Julia somehow did not like it and she refused to wear them correct way. So, Juju is all in red (and this is how she liked it...)

しかしながら、ジュリアはというと、着物の着付けがどうもお気に召さなかった様子。羽織の浴衣を断固拒まれ、結局真っ赤な姿になってしまいました。本人いわく、これがいいそうです…。そして、もちろん踊らず、終始だっこでした…。This is the Mikoshi.

そしてこちらが、お祭りの立派なお神輿です。Overall, girls had a lot of fun. They met friends along the way and had nice play time with them.


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