Oct 19, 2009

US Trip: San Diego

Mike had a business trip in San Diego. So, we all decided to tag along his business trip. His business conference was a week long, and he took his vacation right after, so we had 2 week long trip in US.

First we were in San Diego, then we drove up to Southern Utah to see Mike's grandma (kids great grandma), then we drove up to Logan, Utah.


This is how Julia and Noah were as soon as we arrived to the San Diego airport. They were so tired and didn't care how uncomfortable it was. They just wanted to sleep.

まず初日。サンディエゴ空港到着直後のジュリアとノアです。時差ぼけ+長旅で疲れたのでしょう。体勢おかまいなしで、熟睡状態です。This is Ellie, Julia, and their cousis Taylor. Mike's brother's family live in San Diego. So, we stayed at their house while we were there. Girls loved playing with their cousin Taylor.

サンディエゴには、マイケルの兄家族が住んでおり、滞在中お世話になりました。エリ、ジュリアといとこのテイラー。とても仲良く楽しそうに遊んでおりました。Big swimming pool at Taylor's house. Everyone had so much fun swimming!

テイラーの家には大きなプールがあり、楽しくプールで遊ばせていただきました。We went to Children's museum in downtown San Diego. It was so much fun for little kids. Ellie, Julia and Taylor were playing hard.

テイラーと、サンディエゴのダウンタウンにあるこどもミュージウムに行ってきました。小さな子供向けのアクティビティーが満載のミュージウムで、子供たちは時間を忘れて遊びふけっておりました。Even little kids like Noah had a lot of fun. It was a great place for kids.


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