Oct 10, 2009

Camping at Lake Motosu

This year, we joined in the camping trip. We went to the campground right by Lake Motosu. It was right by Mr. Fuji and view around there was gorgeous!

今年は、お友達同士で毎年実施しているキャンプに参加させてもらうことにしました。場所は、本栖湖のほとり。富士山の美しい景色を体感できました。This is kids first time camping. Ellie and Julia were so excited about it.


We went on the hike around the lake as soon as we got there. I was skeptical on how kids would do on walking, but they did fairly good.

初日、着くと同時にハイキングに出かけました。ランチを持って、本栖湖のほとりをちょっとだけ歩いたのですが、富士山も綺麗だし、周りの景色も絶景。素晴しいハイキングをエンジョイできました。子供たちも、友達が一緒だと楽しさが倍増するようで、がんばって歩きました。This is just us around the fire. Julia decided to try and see what would happen to badminton rackets in the fire, and she got in trouble. Other than that, kids had so much fun with camp fire.


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