Nov 7, 2008

Baby's Day 2 with the Girls

The next day, girls came to meet the baby for the first time. Oh, they were loud... I could hear them when they walked into the clinic. They of course came into the room with big loud "Mommy!!!"


Ellie was so excited to see the baby. She kept saying "Oh, Baby. So cute..." as she touches the baby. She even held the baby and gave a little kiss.
Julia, on the other hand, seemed to be doing what her older sister was doing, but not sure what exactly is going on. She ended up poking her finger into baby's face.

一方ジュリアは、とりあえずエリの真似事をしようとして、ベビーの顔をつつきまくり…。でも、ちゃんとチューはしてました。This is Ellie and Julia taking over baby bed. They tried to be a baby, but they were a little too big...


1 comment:

Jill said...

those are the sweetest pictures ever of the girls with Noah. I love them!!