Mar 20, 2009

Snow Play

3 day weekend here in Japan, and we decided to go up in Fukushima to see Mike's college buddy, Shohei.


First day, we passed Fukushima and went to Alts Bandai Ski Resort. This is one of our favorite resorts. Snow is great and there is a daycare facility where kids can have fun while parents are having fun. Unfortunately we could not get there this year since Noah was not old enough (they take kids from 6 months.) So, we decided to just stop by and have kids play in the snow.


Well, we definitely expected more snow, but there are hardly any. I guess there were several nice warm days before we got here and snow had melted. Bummer. But since we came all the way, we decided to play a little in the snow.

ところがなんと着いてびっくり。雪がほとんどない!!ま、ここ数日暖かい日が続いたから、溶けてしまった模様。残念…。でも、せっかく来たので、ちょっとだけ遊んできました。Ellie had a lot of fun sledding. Julia was more on making snow man. They were cold and were done in 1 hour, but they certainly enjoyed.



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